13th June


print Newsletter


www.terapiahoma.com - www.homa1.com - www.homatherapy.info
























Let us continue our self-study (Swadhyaya).
If you go out of your house for a tour and you take 100 gold coins for your expenses and after a while you have spent 70. How many gold coins are left?
Now let's assume that you have everything you need in your home, why do you go out for a tour?
Later, why do you long to go back home?
When do you want to return?
If we remember that our Home is where we are with our parents and siblings, loved ones, family members, children, husband, wife, etc., how long do we want to be separated from them?
What do we seek to achieve outside the Home?
What do we need from outside?
What do we desire?
What distracts us?
What compels us to leave Home?
If your True Home is The Communion with God, and life is a journey and the years given to you to live are your gold coins to spend along the way, why, after a while, if you are asked, "How old are you," you say the amount you no longer have?
You can say I am 30 years old, but in reality, those years are gone, you have already spent them, yes, or no?


Most people don't know how many years they have to spend, because they don't know how many years they were given in the first place, yes or no?
How do you want to spend your remaining golden years (gold coins)?
What does living a conscious life mean to you?
What does a crazy life mean to you?
Some learn by taking advice and some learn by taking hits, which do you prefer?
Are advices always good?
Are blows always bad?
Others learn from their experiences quickly and others have to repeat many experiences to learn, yes, or no?
Why is it so?
The practice of the Fivefold Path helps us to make the most of these Golden Coins (years of life).

Your comments, questions, suggestions and stories for the HomaHealth Newsletter are welcome;
You can write to Abel Hernandez & Aleta Macan: terapiahoma@yahoo.com  Thank you!



 Janardhun Nuckched
Bon Accueil, Mauritius

    Through a zoom session on 26th December 2020, we learnt about Agnihotra from Shruti Mehra Chauhan (Shrutiji), our Art of Living Teacher. Later she also taught us Vyahruti and Tryambakam Homa. The Agnihotra kit was not available in Mauritius, so we ordered 70 Agnihotra kits from Mr. Sarvajit Paranjpe, the grandson of Shree Vasantji. Due to covid, the procedures for exportation changed in India and our parcel could only arrive in August of 2021. Public holiday for Ganesh Chaturthi was on Saturday 11 September. On Sunday, 12th September, we again had a zoom session with Shrutiji, and she guided us in performing sunset Agnihotra. It sounds like all

was preplanned by the subtle higher energies that we started with Agnihotra right after the Ganesh Chaturthi Celebration.  (Photo: Janardhun in front of the Homa fire.)
   Just before 12th September, I was about to quit the Agnihotra group as I was busy doing Sandhyavandanam kriya, yoga, meditation, etc. In my mind I said, why add 1 more thing like Agnihotra to my list? I could hardly manage my time for all these practices. However, on 12 September 2021, I was there when Shrutiji guided us to perform sunset Agnihotra.
The next morning, I woke up at 4 am, earlier than my usual waking time, well before the alarm bell. Again, the following days I woke up early automatically. Now, I have enough time to do all my practices in the morning. Agnihotra practice has modified my lifestyle.
    One of my latest healing experiences happened in November 2021. After I received one dose of the so-called “covid vaccination”, my right knee got swollen and an abnormal growth was showing up on my lower belly. So, I went to the ayurvedic doctor here. He prescribed me many ayurvedic plant-based drugs. He mentioned that if I go to hospital, I would have to undergo surgery for removal of that abnormal growth. He even said not to rub anything there. For a few days I took the medicine. In my mind one thought dominated 'I am doing Agnihotra, a powerful cleansing Homa, why take medicine. I have faith in Agnihotra.’ And then I stopped taking all medicine.
   I performed Agnihotra regularly, consumed the healing ash and applied the ash over that growth and on my knee. After some days, the growth disappeared from my lower belly and my knee was normal. When I went to the appointment with the ayurvedic doctor after 10 days, all was normal and I felt completely well.
  I did not find it correct to tell the doctor about Agnihotra and its ash, as he had previously told me not to apply anything. He even has the Agnihotra kit but he is not practicing this healing fire, saying that he performs Agnihotra mentally. Once I asked him to talk about Agnihotra to his higher officials, but he did not agree. While I was searching for more information, I found out that Agnihotra falls under Ayurveda and I feel it would be a great help for all ayurvedic doctors to promote Agnihotra practice of their patients.
   We even had 2 cases of covid patients who were in the Intensive Care Unit. Doctors had given up saying that only prayers will help. The relatives of the patients performed Tryambakam Homa daily (beside Agnihotra) and miraculously the 2 patients recovered fast and lead a normal life again.
    I am happy to see the lives of people changing for better with the Homa healing fires and that is why I perform and promote Agnihotra.
Our Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AgnihotraHeals?mibextid=ZbWKwL

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Amogh Kulkarni
Nashik, Maharashtra, India
Agnihotra: True Super Technology

 Hello to all Agnihotris round the globe! I will share our family's Agnihotra experience in the time during the corona pandemic. We live in Nashik, Maharashtra. We are practicing Agnihotra since 25+ years (even before I was born; I am 24 years of age). We know what Agnihotra is and have experienced it's benefits for a long time. But the

corona pandemic definitely brought a sense of panic to all and our case was not different. This was our situation:
  A that time we had 6 members in the family (me, my elder sister, my mother and father, my grandpa and grandma). My grandpa was bedridden due to both pelvic girdles being fractured and besides, we were preparing for my sister's wedding at the same time. Now, my father is a doctor and his clinic is a part of our home. Amidst all this, corona struck us all as a shock wave. At that time, my father had to take care of us, my grandpa, his patients and for himself too! And to make the situation worse our neighbors got also infected by corona! 
  My father was obviously in contact on a daily basis with patients having corona as well as patients with other health problems. Our challenge was to stay healthy, because if anybody of us would have gotten infected, the entire cycle at home would have broken down and become chaotic! In that situation my parents decided to keep their total faith in our wonder weapon and my father started practicing Agnihotra and Tryambakam Homa separately in his clinic. During the complete phase of corona my father never took a second bath while his colleagues were bathing 4 times a day as a preventive measurement.
Obviously, due to the regular practice of Agnihotra, none of us got infected in the entire period of corona! We did not even feel any sensation of fever or cold or any kind of discomfort!
    But that's not the full story, the real surprise was yet to come. From all the patients my father treated (those patients who came to our clinic), a lot of them were detected as corona positive, but only a few of them had to be hospitalized.

But because of the Divine Blessings of Shree Gajanan Maharaj through the constant practice of Agnihotra, none of the patients my father treated in the entire corona cycle, died! Every single one of them came out fit and fine and not one case was fatal!
     Whenever we recall this, it's even for us hard to believe, but because of Agnihotra and our Guru's blessings we came out of the pandemic period successfully, managing my sister's wedding, which was my grandpa's last wish to see and he witnessed it in his last days among the entire chaos!
I have recently drawn a sketch of Parama Sadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj (right) as my small effort of gratitude towards HIS constant Blessings.
(Photo above: Amogh with his parents in front of  Agnihotra healing fire.)

218 / 03




By Bernd Frank and Dr. Birgit Frank

Background of darkfield microscopy

      In contrast to "normal" light microscopy (brightfield microscopy), the variant of darkfield microscopy has been known for more than 250 years. In this method, the colorless structures to be observed stand out against a dark background.
      Darkfield microscopy is a diagnostic method used primarily in holistic naturopathy.
     A drop of blood is taken from the patient's fingertip or earlobe and the alive cells are analyzed in their environment on a slide in the darkfield. The microscope magnifies 400 to 1,000 times.
       One milliliter of human blood normally contains between 4.2 and 5.8 million erythrocytes (red blood cells).
Information about blood
  Our blood is understood as an organ for supply and disposal, and one which "flows".
  From it, therapists are able to recognize indications about the oxygen and nutrient supply situation of the body, the detoxification situation, mainly of the liver and kidneys, oxidative stress, metabolic performance and environmental pollution with toxins and heavy metals, electro smog and hyper acidity.
  As a result, disorders can be treated before serious symptoms of disease appear.
   Erythrocytes can fulfill their task of transporting O2 and CO2 well if their entire surface area is available. Therefore, red blood cells must be individually visible, have a stable cell membrane, a very similar size and be more or less round in shape.
They can only do all this if the environment (surrounding fluid) allows them to do so.
   In the so-called "coin rolls" or clumping of red blood cells, the erythrocytes are placed close together. They no longer repel each other and therefore cannot make their entire surface available. The blood can no longer flow in a relaxed manner and therefore, for example, not enough oxygen is available for the cells.
  For our first Agnihotra tests with this topic, we were able to recruit two therapists in alternative medicine who work with dark field microscopy in diagnostics.

Examination by Dr. Ralf Hertle
In his darkfield image, Dr. Ralf Hertle shows the "formation of red blood cell coils" (Bild 1) in a volunteer participant. After taking 500 mg of Agnihotra ash in 100 ml of water, this "coin roll formation" dissolved after about 15 minutes, when the sample was taken again!

(Bild 2) The formation of agglomeration of the red blood cells dissolved! 
(Bild 1) If only water was taken, this agglomeration remained.

218 / 04




By Bernd Frank and Dr. Birgit Frank
- cont.

Test by Alternative Medicine Therapist Katrin Mögel

Holistic therapist Katrin Mögel had 4 volunteers for testing before and after Agnihotra treatment.
One test person had a massive agglomeration of red blood cells with the formation of coin rolls,
which were completely dissolved by Agnihotra!
Photo 3: 15 minutes before Agnihotra practice.
Photo 4: 15 minutes after the Agnihotra practice.


In another test person, there was a slight clumping of red blood cells and after Agnihotra, an improvement in the blood flow could be observed due to the dissolution of the clumps. (Photos 5 and 6)
Photo 5: 15 minutes before practicing Agnihotra.
Photo 6: 15 minutes after Agnihotra practice.

Fantastic Results

Mrs. Katrin Mögel concludes:
 "I can confirm with certainty from the 4 measurements that Agnihotra causes a significant improvement in blood flow."


SIt would be interesting to investigate further whether the blood physiology stabilizes in this optimum state after long-term intake of Agnihotra ash and regular performance of Agnihotra, as well as to determine the results in experiments without additional intake of this ash.

Source: Agnihotra News 1/2022, Homa-Hof Heiligenberg, Germany.

218 / 05




With Conventional Agriculture using agrochemicals, the cucumbers can be harvested in 80 days.

Eng. Rosa Cortez Morales, Ministry of Presidency of the Republic of Peru
218 / 06



The body benefits from movement,
the mind benefits from stillness.



By Roland Martin
According to the "World Resources Institute's Aqua-duct Water Risk Atlas", a QUARTER of the world's population faces an "EXTREMELY high water stress" each year.
An additional one BILLION people are expected to be affected by the year 2050. 
Retired Captain Moses A. West is the founder of "The Moses West Foundation"... HE developed technology that pulls water from the atmosphere...

For more information, please click on the following link: 


“Flowers do not struggle to bloom,
grass does not struggle to grow,
the sun does not struggle to shine,
and water does not struggle to flow.
To Struggle is unnatural.
Be like Nature.”


“When the last tree
 has been cut down,
the last fish caught,
the last river poisoned, only then will we realize that one cannot eat money.”

-Native American Wisdom-


189 / 218 / 07


Summary of the 7-day continuous Tryambakam Homa in May:

 Dear Homa family around the world,

We want to thank all Agnihotris for their participation in this Global Healing Event; for aligning the Light of your Homa fire with all others and thus forming a Circle of Light and Homa Healing around the planet.
We live in challenging times and for this reason it becomes more important to maintain the daily practice of these simple techniques, which allow us to overcome all challenges. Agnihotra is the basic and indispensable fire for the practice of all the other healing fires of Homa Therapy.

Photo right:
Ankita, 8 years old and Akriti, 6 years old from Poudre d'Or, Mauritius. These lovely girls know the Mantras and light the Homa Fire every day.

As we can read in the Orion Messages:
“The performing of these sacred fires, yes, they are necessary for the balance in nature and yes, they provide necessary nutrients to soil, water and air. They are also in deep connection with the Higher Energies that operate to cleanse and purify the beings who light these fires, as well as the physical surroundings. The performing of these sacred fires is far more powerful than you think”.

Twenty-eight countries participated:
Peru (PE) Colombia (CO), Ecuador (EC), Argentina (AR), Chile (CL), Venezuela (VZ), Brazil (BR), Uruguay (UY), Panama (PA), Costa Rica (CR), Mexico (MX), Poland (PL), Austria (AT), Germany (BD), Czech Republic (CZ), Italy (IT), Spain (ES), Portugal (PT), Ukraine (UKR), Russia (RU), Kyrgyzstan (KG), Kazakhstan (KZ), Mauritius (MU), South Africa (ZA), Australia (AU), India (IN) and Malaysia (MY).

A total of 870 hours Tryambakam Homa were done in these 7 days, which means 124 hours per day, which is on average 5 people doing Tryambakam Homa at the same time in some part of our planet.

Receive all our love together with the coordinators of this event in the various countries and continents. Infinite blessings.

Aleta, Abel, Diana, Ceneth, Angeles, Tania S., Tania B., Karina, Carla, Franklin, Parvati, Birgitt, America, Janardhun, Frits & Lee and Sarvajit.

In the following pages you can see photos of Agnihotris, participants in this Global Healing Event.


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Christa & Ricardo and family, ES

Cristina, CL

Milena, Cristina & Carmen, Bhargava Dham, CL

Deviantee, MU

Cecilia, EC

Obergünzburg, BD

Francisco, ES

Dharmu, ES

Cesar, EC
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Alejandro, ES

Anna, KZ

Bhargava Dham, CL

Ángeles, IT

Anojabye, MU

Grupo Homa Bogota, CO

Anita, AR

Ceneth, MX

Christoph, BD

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Loreto, CL

América, ES

Kamila, KG

Katty, PE

Kenia, PA

Luz Elena, CO

Lisa, US

Helga, BD

Maria, US

Guillermina, EC

Carmen Luz, PE
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Lola Alegría, ES

Diana, CO

Maria, MX

Pablo, IT

Homa Hof, BD

Tania, BR

Irma, US

Aleta, PE

Javier, PE

Fernando, MX

Gopiji, IN

Oleg, KZ

<- Bombay, IN

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Lilibeth and Cesar, PE

Rafael Zacquiel, EC

Abel & Luis Diego, PE

Ilce, Maigualida, Gloria, Clemen, Chela and Carol, VZ

Irina, KZ

Jeiber and Shanti, CO

Mohini, IN

Lucho, PE

Munusamy, MY

Gabriele, BD

Claudia, PE

Saby, EC

Petra, AT
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Homa Hof Heiligenberg, BD

Richard, US

Liliana, AR

Janardhun, MU

Josué, ES

Rosana, PE

Elena, KZ

Sira, EC

Maryana, RU
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Darshana, IN

Mamta, IN

Priti, Sunita and Nikita, IN

Suchita, IN

Mr. and Mrs. Gupta, IN

Flor de María, PE

Flavia, PE

Betty, PE

Margie, PE

Adela, PE

Teresita, PE

Dorita, CO

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Yusefa, PE

Miguel Ángel, EC

Erick, EC

Pol Kiram, ES

Rushika, MU

Virginia, MX

Elisa, ES

Sofía, EC

Tania, VZ

Piura, PE
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Heiligenhof, BD & Piura, PE

218 / 17



Eddy Aichbauer, a close Agnihotra friend of Reiner since youth, expressed in the name for so many of us, his love, gratitude and admiration for his dear friend:

“Reiner Szcypior, our dearest friend and brother on the Fivefold Path, went to his spiritual home on May 22nd.
Reiner was a pioneer for Agnihotra in Germany, Austria and Switzerland since the seventies, lived in Turkey and India for a long time and travelled to many countries to spread Shree's message. Reiner is a role model of discipline, determination and dedication. He dedicated his entire life to the Fivefold Path and had the ideal companion in his wife, Manuela, who stood by his side unwaveringly to this day.
Reiner was absorbed in Mantra and focused on Shree the whole time, despite the painful last few weeks.
All our sympathy goes out to Manuela, Gabriel and Fiona.

    Following Shree’s indications, Reiner, Manuela and their 2 children lived for 13 years in Turkey in several places, practicing Agnihotra and other Homa disciplines, like daily 4 hours Tryambakam Homa, 12 to 24 hours on full and new moon, etc.
     They stayed in the ancient healing site of Pergamon-Askelpion, Bergama, there for 3 years doing "Homa Light work". When their task was finished, they were shown in several dreams the whole of Pergamon surrounded by 4 to 5 pillars of light, and a large Hand came out of a white minaret and pointed to the place where they lived. All of Pergamon was in the light.
       After this, they were guided to spend one year near Bodrum, and 9 years in old Smyrna, south of Izmir. Shree Vasant had chosen this place where they build a house and continued with the same rhythm the practice of the Homa healing fires.
     A few years after returning from Turkey, when the children were grown up and building their own lives, Reiner and Manuela traveled to India and lived there for over 6 years. Under Shrees' guidance they went on teaching Agnihotra and Homa farming, mostly in North India, in cities like Haridwar, Hrishikesh, Palampur and in the higher regions of the

Mahashree with
baby Gabriel and Reiner.

Shree Vasant with baby Fiona.

Himalayas like Kullu Valley, Manali, via Rotang Pass to Kelong, etc. Just to mention the Homa farming project with the Palampur University and other agriculture departments; they participated in Homa projects, like the 2-year project in "Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya (DSVV), an Indian university located at Shantikunj near Haridwar city in state of Uttarakhand".
 But wherever there was a possibility, Reiner and Manuela shared the blessings of Agnihotra. These are lives spent in SURRENDER, HUMILITY, SERVICE and in DIVINE GRACE!

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Family picture: Manuela, Gabriel, Reiner, Aurelia (like a daughter) & Fiona.

Manuelas' and Reiners' last days together on this earthly plane were showered by Light, Love, Peace and Total Surrender.

As Manuela expresses with so much love:
“When you live together for such a long time with your partner, there can be certain things that disturb you, something that you do not like.
I feel that Reiner and I, made it finally, because all that completely fell away, it did not have any longer importance. We both could express and live that TOTAL LOVE. We felt one, WE WERE ONE! All that was important was the Light and the Love. There was nothing else I could see in him, but Divine Light. Nothing else existed apart from that, everything had fallen away...

          It was Reiner who inspired, with his many and beautiful experiences traveling with Shree Vasant and being in the presence of Shree Gajanan Maharaj, the HomaHealth Newsletter column "A Devotee shares". He wrote the first several chapters.
    Reiner left his physical body on the Moon of Wesak, the full moon of Buddha's Enlightenment. What a blessed time to leave the physical remains of a soul that has surrendered and is one with the Divine Light. We are grateful to have known this exceptional soul, a true friend in all avenues and a teacher by example.
Extracts from Reiner's letters written within these last few months:

"Dear sisters and brothers. Our being, our laughter, our joy, our gratitude, our mindfulness is Mother Earth's elixir of life.
We heard the call and followed it, SHREE’S path to divine light. We ignite His light at sunrise and sunset, during the sun's path and in the darkness of night. Homa and Mantras fill the room."
"Really - every breath is a new beginning. A yes for love. A yes to the divine that we are.

Love, understanding, help, mindfulness and humility are the qualities on the path to light."

"We hope that more groups will be found and a larger web of healing will be spun, as the grandmothers so sweetly say: stretching a web of light around the earth by enlightening ourselves.

This development towards our inner light, joy, love and peace.
Thank you for being together. “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” – The world is one family."
"Beloved human family, may joy and love soon fill all of our hearts and suffering be erased from the vocabulary of language."
Light and Love
SHREE’S Blessings

(Sevananda was the name was given to him by Shree Vasant, meaning something like
 “Bliss through Service”.)

218 / 19


By Parvati Rosen-Bizberg

Fivefold Path, a blessing of a blueprint for happy living, was revealed by Parama Sadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj of Akkalkot/Shivapuri, India. It truly is a path of Light. Five basic principles are given in order to help one cope with the stresses of life, develop a sense of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. It is so simple, a child could follow it. In fact, during the time I traveled widely and taught Yoga and Meditation for Children, the Fivefold Path was given in such a clear and simple way, it became quite profound how living consciously, following guidelines so clear, truly benefitted children of all ages.
It touched me deeply.

Agnihotra, Daan, Tapa, Karma and Swadhyaya are the five steps to a life of love. I believe when one consciously walks this path, true happiness can be achieved. That said, there are always going to be challenges in life, high peaks and deep, low valleys, during which time we may struggle to see the Light at the end of a seemingly endless tunnel. Light will shine. Keep walking. Step by step.

Through practice of Fivefold Path, we will have become more at peace, with ourselves and others, through the ancient fire of AGNIHOTRA. Through DAAN, we will have begun to reduce our attachments by sharing with others in a spirit of humility. We will have learned the art of self-discipline and being true to ourselves, keeping our word to ourselves—using TAPA. And through conscious practice of KARMA, we will have gleaned the way to speak kindly with others and do good action toward all we meet. We will have known how to identify right from wrong. We will be well on our way when we arrive at SWADHYAYA.
Today, my heart is leading me to discuss a

topic I think does not get enough focus these days, and it is essential to one’s evolution in life, one’s spiritual development, i.e. one’s peace of mind. It is SWADHYAYA, the fifth and final aspect of Fivefold Path. In my observation, many people find adhering to the amazing fire practice of Agnihotra not only easy, once one commits to it, but essential in propelling one forward. Tapa as well can be mastered, Karma can even begin to come naturally, with the reduction of stress and angst on the mind. SWADHYAYA can be a challenge!

What is required to truly look at oneself is a sense of fearlessness, the courage to face one’s own faults and foibles, accept one’s weaknesses and, more importantly, to admit when one has erred. This may include the strength and courage it takes to own one’s mistakes and make amends for them.

In my estimation, Swadhyaya is like facing oneself within and coming clean before the Divine. One can grow and shed old fears, rise above seemingly insurmountable obstacles, climb impossibly high barriers and shed one’s expectations not only of others, but of oneself. It is not easy!

Our tendency is to make excuses for our weaknesses, hiding them neatly behind the magnificence of our strengths. The key to resolving these flaws within ourselves is to face them squarely, name them, claim them, then let them go. Swadhyaya is not about blaming oneself. It is about facing oneself in the mirror of life and studying that reflection without running away. Simultaneously with releasing one’s flaws, many of us need to gratefully accept our strengths, recognize our talents as the blessings they are—and use them, especially in the avenue of service.
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Por Parvati Rosen-Bizberg - cont.

«Know thyself»
«To thine own self be true»-Shakespeare

If one can learn to fearlessly face oneself, one will begin to unravel one’s complexities, arriving at a simpler, more peaceful state of being.

One can often feel hopeless. Let it go. Clear away the cobwebs of illusion, of self-doubt and of self-importance.

Who am I in relation to the great cosmos? Who am I in relation to my Master’s Plan? How may I walk this path with grace and with purpose to serve? How may my life be of service? This is also part of Swadhyaya.


In my own ongoing, intense walk with Swadhyaya, I find that along the way in clearing the brambles of my own making and those life has created for me, living through the losses and avoiding the ravine of regret—I see glimpses of a pure, true place within, where there is a deep well of gratitude. It is a realization of the great Grace we all have been given just to have been blessed with this beautiful way of life. It is in this place within where all the fetters of the ego, the judgments of self and others, the doubts and confusions of life fall away to reveal the wonder of a grateful heart. It is that sublime space within that I seek to embrace and then, even that shall be released to Divine.

“All answers come in silence. By regular practice of Mantra, we reaffirm the Holy in our lives. This ushers into us a calm sense of well being, serenity, peace of mind. This is where we become available to be instruments of His Divine Will. Only through practice of Yajnya (Homa) and Mantra can this be achieved. Still, it is all Grace.“

- Shree Vasant -

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From Orion Transmissions

Received via Parvati

       Children are quite impressionable. If they witness greed, selfishness and attachment, they will follow this example quite well. If, on the other hand, they see the selfless giving, assisting others in need, and gratitude for all one’s prosperity, they will learn these traits instead. And humility will replace arrogance. For in the end, it does not matter if one is reach in material goods and poor in spirit. Quite the same, if one is poor in material goods and equally poor in spirit. One can be wealthy and still be free. It is this attachment that attacks one relentlessly. One has to make conscious effort constantly to avoid the snare of attachment. If all you do is done with the name of the Divine on your tongue and in your heart, then certainly your pursuit of business will be blessed one thousand times fold.

When children are small, they are often asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” The imagination runs wild. It is not unusual to find a classroom full of children wishing to be in roles many of them only dream of in this life. They have familial limitations, societal limitations, but mor than that, they have their own limitations.

When children are raised in a conscious home, they can break through the norms, because they are free of its constraints. We see that only children are allowed to dream.

Beautiful Homa family in Mauritius including the grand-parents; the father of Ankita and Akriti is taking the photo.

These flights of fantasy are acceptable only when a being is at a young age. As a human being progresses and grows up, essentially, he is asked “What do you do?” He feels compelled to be doing some productive activity all the time. This in its essence is quite positive. However, many human beings are not ‘being’ at all, only doing and doing frantically at that. When beings begin to experience meditation, they have often great difficulty sitting. It takes time to come into a quiet state of being. This state alone can lift the human race beyond its current dilemma.
By bringing more beings into a state of ‘being’, the collective awareness of this planet will rise.

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By Barry Rathner, Clinical Psychologist


It might be said that the way out of the ‘dilemma’ of what to do and when to do it, is SERVICE. Why we do it lurks in the background as well.

Should my goal be personal aggrandizement, amassing wealth, seeking name and fame, or plain old pursuit of pleasure, asking who stands to benefit helps clarify things.

If the benefactor is primarily ourselves, it is doubtful that pure service—or at least selfless service—has entered the picture. Shuffling the deck may be in order.

This isn’t to say that I must completely lose sight of myself when acting. It does say that the order of beneficiaries should not put SELF first.

“Do onto others as you would have them do onto you,” holds wisdom for balancing SELF with everything else. Similarly, “Love thy neighbor as thyself,” again speaks to not putting oneself first.

Should one wonder how Mother Teresa could serve and support the lepers—at considerable risk and discomfort to herself—it might be illustrative to start with how she may have viewed the hierarchy of self and others we are discussing.


Si If I truly wish to “Love thy neighbor ….,” loving yourself (myself) certainly is not only relevant but vital to gauging my activities and behavior.

It’s not just that ‘charity starts at home.’ Love resides in ourselves ready to rear its glorious head.

If we wish to discover the truth of “the only way out is in,” best we begin with the ‘in.’ It really can’t be any other way.

If we experience life in part—or in whole—as correcting the past so as to improve the future, surely the ‘order of business’ starts within—home to our past experience.

If we wish to do God’s work, accessing that entity in whose image we are created may be not only a good place to begin, but as well a good place to continue and end.

‘Higher self,’ the ‘child within,’ the soul and heart all reside in that holy, awesome neighborhood of rarified air we call SERVICE.

The kingdom of heaven is near at hand we have been told. Perhaps it is as near as His and our breath.

218 / 23



By Jimena S. Clarke - Cid Clavero


“The great elevations of the soul are possible only in solitude and in silence”. Arturo Graf
At this moment, I am reading a little book in paperback format called Biography of Silence, by Pablo d’Ors, a Spanish priest, scholar of meditation and contemplation. A real gem, he has inspired me to write this article.
We live in a society that constantly pushes us to be busy and immersed in continuous activity, which often stuns, hypnotizes, and transforms us in robots; it steals from us the joy of living in fullness, without expectations.
It is not only women who are affected by this constant over-stimulation, but the whole of society is subjected to it. This seems to be another of the many ways to lull us to sleep and keep us away from the true goal of our existence.
As women, we are accustomed to, and perhaps forced to be multitasking women. This often contributes to the detriment of our own mental, physical and even spiritual health.
If we were able to stop this accelerated race for survival and take a deep breath, become aware of these instances and try to stop any activity—no matter how small it may be—we would be entering into the real practice of silence.
In a women's circle, we can take the opportunity to schedule sessions for practicing silence.
Many times, it is impossible for us to do this practice of silence at home, due to our individual circumstances. However, once we begin to add this as part of our daily routine—whatever our path, our religion or our work is—we will realise that sometimes, with just a few brief moments of deep inner silence, our whole mental structure adjusts

and harmonises. Then, in that state, our minds achieve inner joy and calm, therefore preparing us to make the right decisions and wise choices, for the greater good and not only for ourselves.
With the constant help of the Agnihotra fires, and the practice of both Tapa and Swadhyaya, we will find the necessary spaces in our daily lives, to immerse ourselves in this sacred silence, which elevates and empowers.
It is not a matter of dressing in white, lighting incense, performing complicated rituals, etc.
I can assure you that we can tap into this marvelous source of silence while cooking for our family, cleaning the house, teaching a class, going shopping—doing activities least thought of as suitable for this task.
Silence can be practiced whether or not it is accompanied by solitude, because Silence transcends the conventional barriers of time and space. Of course, it requires practice, perseverance and courage to start practicing it.
Silence is a tool of great power, and linked with any practice that we already have, it will help us to find the balance between our inner selves and the environment that surrounds us.
Here are some benefits of Silence as a regular practice.

• More reflective thoughts

Sometimes deeper and wiser thoughts or ideas are preceded by silence. We need time to think and process some ideas and it is difficult to do this while we are living intensely in the present, without taking a pause for reflection. Nowadays, we are so used to the rhythm of 'thinking too much.’ Yet, sometimes when we really want to concentrate on something deeper, a little silence is enough to access thoughts that exist within us and that we don't always take the time and space to listen to.

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• Increased creativity
Experts say that silence can be a fundamental part of creativity, as it allows access to new ideas that also need time and space to be conceived, born or recognised.
• Better recognition of reality
When we are silent, we can become more attentive to what is happening around us and thus, become better listeners and observers to reality, giving us greater and better knowledge about the world. In addition, this can make us wiser and more attentive women.
• Improving personal well-being
Silencing the mind is a very difficult, but very important part of personal well-being. It has to do with learning to recognise thoughts as fleeting and remaining calm in the face of them. Indeed, according to some studies, simply being quiet for a few minutes can be more relaxing than even music created to relax, or drugs and natural remedies prescribed for this purpose.

Finally, let's remember that on many occasions, words are not enough to express certain feelings or thoughts, and silence can be much more meaningful in that sense. So, let's not fail to give the power of silence a chance as a tool for deeper communication as well.
Here are some exercises that could be practised during the women’s circle, but it is important to prepare for it first. For example, we can have a vase with beautiful flowers or even just green leaves as a way to bring a soft vision to our eyes and invite our whole being to calm down.
We can light a Vyahruti Homa or do Agnihotra if at sunset, and after having repeated the Mantra, settle into another way of being and be present. The idea is that this sacred fire, whatever it is, reminds us of our inner light and connects us to it...
A) Sit comfortably and with your back straight (on the floor or on a chair), take off your shoes.
Breathe deeply. It is important to relax your shoulders, neck and chest.
Observe your thoughts and, as you continue to still your body, you will naturally find a relaxed way of being present.

Let your thoughts pass. This means that you observe what you are thinking, as if you were watching the clouds pass in the sky. Continue to let the thoughts pass for at least 10 minutes.
At the end, you may have experienced a curious feeling of silence. It is something pleasant and new, easy to recognise. It tends to be very fleeting, though. It takes practice!
B) 1. Sitting in a circle, place your hands on your thighs. If you already practise simple mudras, you can use them. Close your eyes.
2. Breathe deeply in and out around six times. Then continue with normal breathing. At this point, the woman guiding the session will play background music in alpha wave, binaural sounds. Nowadays it is easy to find this kind of music on YouTube or other media. It is scientifically proven that this type of sound helps us to connect with the inner silence. I recommend about 10 minutes.
3. We open our eyes, stretch, and, still in that state of silence and relaxation, we stand up and walk around the room—or if we have the opportunity to go outside and walk in the garden, even better.
4. We return to our inner circle, close our eyes for a few moments and after a deep breath, slowly open them, looking into each other's eyes. The guide simply announces the end of the session and hugs the woman on her left, and so they all hug each other goodbye. We leave in silence. We only speak again when the circle has closed.
It is a very powerful exercise and sometimes not very well understood, but I assure you that the next time you meet, there will be a lot to share...
“Silence is a friend who never betrays.” Confucio
See you next time!

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Mandala shared by Parvati (Fran) Rosen-Bizberg.  © 2022
All Mandalas are copyright by Parvati (Fran) Rosen-Bizberg.
Healing Mandalas, prints and t-shirts of original art are available in the website shop www.agnihotra.pl)

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By Eng. Hector Rosas Almonacid
Shree Gajanan and Self-Realization

Dear family,
We are honored to present a new Column on Teachings of the Fivefold Path, written by Hector Rosas:
    "My professional training is in electrical engineering and studies in sociology. My entire professional career, which I practice up to this day, has been related to electrical energy and information technologies and, looking from these disciplines at the difficulties that humanity faces in finding a model of development and survival in line with the balances natural principles and the laws of Nature, the need to integrate into what we today call 'scientific knowledge', those dimensions that have been left aside, is becoming more evident and critical every day. Nature is our support and through Homa Therapy we can help to recover it.
   In July 1987, being in search of a development of what in those times I called 'spiritual', I had the privilege of learning about the Teachings of the Fivefold Path (Homa Therapy), on a visit that Master Shree Vasant Vithal Paranjpe made to the community in which I participated in the city of Los Andes, Chile. What immediately caught my attention was the integrative scientific nature and, at the same time, the practicality and simpleness of the Teachings. It offered a clear and concrete program to move towards the objective I was looking for.
  Since 1990 I have participated in community projects, agricultural production, overcoming addictions programs, applying Homa Therapy techniques in all of them. Additionally, I have been disseminating this knowledge through workshops. In 2015 we formed in Chile a non-profit organization called the 'Quintuple Sendero Foundation' to continue spreading these Teachings in all their purity.

For almost two centuries we have adopted a way of life that generates a high and progressive level of POLLUTION and DESTRUCTION of the biosphere (atmosphere, soil, water), to such an extent that it not only brings suffering and misery to all beings that inhabit it, but also threatens all forms of life on the planet.
Parama Sadguru Shree Gajanan, the Avatar to combat pollution, the Kalki Avatar, in September 1944, makes the following vow:
“I will resuscitate the Vedas”.
On the same day He delivers the “SEVEN VERSES” (Sapta Shloki), where He points out that the Vedas were delivered along with the Creation and contain, besides the knowledge of various disciplines that today make up what we know as science, the Eternal Principles, the Science of the Soul, what Omnipotent Power is, the danger of both dogmatism and the violation of the Eternal Principles.
(In the body of knowledge that makes up the Vedas, there is not only information about natural sciences, those considered tangible,

 but it also encompasses the subtler planes that can be called metaphysical. For the in the ancient science those dimensions that deal with the Science of the Soul were an integral part, since the human being was considered in its totality. Science could not leave aside the happiness of the human being, and a science that did not consider that aspect, was not science or and incomplete science.
The Human being, the microorganisms, the plants, the animals (and the environment), form a biological and bioenergetic community. The human being has an important function in this biological, bioenergetic community that must be fulfilled in order to be Happy.)


In the Seventh Verse, Parama Sadguru Shree Gajanan synthesizes the essence of the Teachings of the Vedas in what today we call the “FIVE-FOLD PATH”, the Five Principles that make up the scientific program of the Vedas, to achieve a life of Prosperity, Peace, and Happiness, in harmony with Creation.

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Shree Gajanan and Self-Realization

By Hector Rosas Almonacid

Verse 7:

“Be engrossed in Yajnya, Daan, Tapa, Karma and Swadhyaya. This alone is the Eternal Religion (Eternal Principles of Religion, Teachings, Law, Instructions), given through the Vedas”.

YAJNYA: PURIFICATION: of the atmosphere by means of Fires made under certain disciplines, which automatically leads to the purification of the mind. Agnihotra is the basic and primary Yajnya.
DAAN: SHARING: the belongings in a spirit of humility to generate detachment. Purification from attachments.
TAPA: SELF-DISCIPLINE: for the fruition of purposes. Eliminate bad habits and empower the good ones. Purification of wrong thought patterns and action.
KARMA: MERITORIOUS ACTIONS: That all actions be for my purification.
SWADHYAYA: Self-Knowledge: ¿Who are we really? What are we here for? Self-realization.

The FIVE-FOLD PATH is the method or program to free ourselves from all that we are not and that what prevents us from leading a life of Peace, Prosperity and Bliss and deliver that to all that surround us. To free ourselves from illusions, superstitions, prejudices, limitations, egoisms, greed, passions, envy, pride, vanity, anger, attachments, egos, etc. In short, from all those factors that lead to misery and suffering.

Yajnyas purify the atmosphere, which interacts with the Prana, the life energy that connects us with the cosmos and circulates within us. The normalization of Prana, achieved with the purification of the atmosphere, automatically calms, and purifies our minds, re-establishes the planet's energy cycles, nourishes and protects the plant kingdom from pests,

purifies and energizes the waters, and restores harmony in Nature.

It is important to note that the atmosphere is the organ of our biosphere that we all share and that carries out vital functions for the stability of our Biosphere, our Well-being and Evolution.
The practice of the FIVE-FOLD PATH, the Five Purifying Principles of different spheres or dimensions, not only delivers Nourishment, Peace, and Contentment to each human being who practices them, but also to all the elements and beings that compose our Biosphere.
Parama Sadguru Shree Gajanan, the Avatar to destruct Pollution, by resurrecting the Vedic Science that ensures a way of life in harmony with Nature, is reminding us of the existence of the Eternal Knowledge and that we must turn our eyes towards that Knowledge and draw upon the tools it gives us, to overcome confusion and misguidance, and return to the right path, the path of the Science of Life.

During the last decades of the last century, He commissioned His Messengers to spread this message to all parts of the planet:
“Our words which lead to Bliss, convey them to all peoples of the world”.
Humanity needs Peace, Bliss, and Prosperity, both for itself and for all beings that make up our biosphere, and beyond.
We are an organic community, and each one has specific tasks to fulfill, according to those it will advance towards its own realization.

Eternal Knowledge is Sacred. Total Science paves the way to Happiness. Truth sets us free.

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A Devotee Shares:
Experiences with Master Shree Vasant

By Dr. Jaime Montufar, Guayaquil, Ecuador

In January 2004 I was invited to meet Shree Vasant in Lima, Peru. The first encounter was something supernatural. I was captivated by Him and the peace that He transmits. His energy made me feel like a butterfly drawn to the light. The things He talked about then govern the days of my life now. Everything changed since that day, especially my spiritual life.

I practiced Agnihotra fire in the morning and in the evening at my Medical Clinic, El Buen Pastor (The Good Shepherd). When I first ingested Agnihotra ash for breakfast, almost immediately I began to feel differently. My blood sugar level lowered and my energy increased.  
I wanted to prove this effect with other people, so I began to prescribe this Agnihotra ash medicine to my own patients.

The effect of this Agnihotra ash medicine is different. It acts immediately. I could see that my patients improved quickly, so quickly that I even began to worry that soon I would have fewer patients to treat!

However, I have many more patients now than ever. Every healed patient brings ten new ones.

I share Agnihotra ash, the product of this amazing healing fire, with all my patients. We always give the Agnihotra ash medicine for free.
In the last six years, we have treated approximately 15,000 patients and the great majority of them have been healed. Even some patients suffering from “incurable” illnesses like cancer and AIDS have been healed completely.
Since I started this practice of Agnihotra, I began to receive intuitive instructions relating to my patients. It is as if a Voice guides me toward what is the best treatment for each patient who comes. Many times, I know their problems before I see them and I already know what to do. At first this experience was startling to me, but when I realized that the instructions were accurate, I was able to accept and utilize the guidance to help my patients.

Photo: Dr. Jaime Montufar (first from left) in his clinic 'Homa Medical Center
 'El Buen Pastor', practicing Agnihotra with patients.

From the book: Messengers of the Sacred Fire
The extraordinary Life & Works of Shree Vasant Paranjpe
by Parvati Rosen-Bizberg

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Message received on
May, 17th, 2024

via Parvati in meditation.


“Those who have come to Us remain with Us.
Always We are with you.
The tide has turned.
The New Era has come.

Each place where the Fire is kept
will be as a beacon of Light for all
who are drawn to it.
At such places We dwell, you may find Us in the Fire.

Let there be Light.
Let there be Peace.
Let there be Love, the only language spoken herein.

Walk in Light.
with all Love and Blessings to all.




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Extracts from a conference given by Shree Vasant before a group of doctors, lawyers, judges, church ministers and other professionals at Capitol Hill, in Washington D.C.


“Enough man ours have been spent to find out the harmful effects of pollution on the human body. Medicine knows that anything that affects the body affects the mind. However, science does not yet have the parameters to gauge the damage done to the mind. This problem becomes all the more serious since our happiness depends on the attitudes of the mind, our reactions to the conditions outside. Science can probe the field only when it widens its universe of discourse. For new hypothesis, science will have to take one step in the domain of the yet unknown.”

El daño que la contaminación ha hecho a la mente es devastador.
Lo notamos eThe damage done to the mind as a result of pollution is devastating. We notice it in terms of heavy psychiatry that is rampant today. Despite material enrichment the quality of life is in inverse proportion. Worry and tension are writ large on every forehead.”

“It is of no use merely offering the diagnosis. We must also know the remedy. The remedy is given through the Vedas, the most ancient knowledge known to mankind. All this is in Sanskrit language. Sanskrit was nobody's mother tongue any time. It is the mother of all languages.”

“Vedas prescribe the process of mind purification through the agency of fire. It has three inputs. Specific cosmic conditions, vibrations and burning of organic substances into fire are the inputs. Any change induced in the atmosphere affects PRANA (life energy) and, consequently, the mind. This is the modus operandi of the process.”

“Science has recently taken note of the undulatory cycles in nature that affect us. Many biological functions such as metabolic activity, enzyme production, blood cell formation and diseases like manic depression, menstrual syndrome are governed bv these undulatory cycles of nature. Sap in plant life is similarly affected by these undulations.”

“Vedas prescribe the process to undo the effect of pollution on the mind through the agency of fire. It is based on the rhythms of these undulatory cycles of nature. A small discipline is now made available for anyone who cares to know. This is ACNIHOTRA. It will nullify the effect of pathogenic bacteria on human organism, give nourishment to plant life and cleanse the water resources, It will reduce the anxiety and tension load on the mind.”

“Everyone knows that he should 'Love Thy Neighbor.' The difficulty comes when we try to implement this judgement given by our intellect. Our physical appetites pull us in different directions. All these pulls could be halted by the process of purification of mind through the agency of fire given through the Vedas.”

“Our happiness depends on the attitudes of the mind.
The attitudes change by the practice of Agnihotra. This is the smallest process for ridding ourselves of the cobwebs of desire in which our Intellect is wrapped.”

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Received through Parvati Bizberg, Poland

On Healing - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, global
Yes, yes, yes. Whilst the dreams of many are being dashed, there are many which are to soon be fulfilled. Those whose aim is true will certainly prosper in the new wave of healing energies coming your way.

In the midst of the chaos, weather changes, shifts of the planet—there is a wave of healing energy being sent to your planet. This will be felt and experienced by those of sensitive natures and especially by those of you who are involved in healing of others. There will be a strengthening of the healing energies in general over the next few months in particular. It is a trend which will only increase, diametrically opposed to the downward-flowing negative energies being hurled at planet Earth. These healing energies will speed up one’s healing on every level—physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and ultimately, global.

Now, to make the absolute most of healing energies ready to be accessed, one must adhere to certain principles and practices designed to maximize the beneficial aspects of healing.

One’s diet should improve, even slightly. One’s awareness of non-toxic substances being important in the diet is vital. One should make every attempt to eat only organic foods, wherever possible. Then, increase one’s intake of pure, clean water. This is essential for the coming shifts in atmosphere and Earth fluctuations. Water is the ultimate healer. Fire and water.

Then, one’s mental outlook needs to improve. All of you begin to consciously be aware of your thoughts, so that words and actions will follow. he mind should be considered a sacred place to begin clearing and cleansing. The mind has tendencies or grooves of habitual thinking which can pull one into a mire of illusion

and delusion. None of that negative thinking will prosper if you cease to give it focus and attention. However, one must be militant in refusing to go in the old direction!
Now, keeping good company is essential, more so than at any time in life. If there are those around you who are negative thinkers with whom you feel the pull into this deep well of discontent, remove yourself from their presence or have them remove themselves from yours. Even if it means a ‘vacation’ from those whom you love, it may be the beginning of turning a corner into a positive direction.
This is essential. All of you require the energetic interchange between those of like mind and heart. It is vital that you receive the support, understanding and inspiration you truly need and deserve. If you delay this, the process becomes untenable. This is essential. Camaraderie, in the highest sense, is important here.
On Divine protection
Yes, yes. PROTECTION is necessary when one is targeted by others, but that protection comes with the Master’s Hand. It is not elicited by the wearing of amulets or particular stones, though these may indeed assist the wearer. True Protection comes from the earning of Divine Grace. When one’s acts of love and kindness are seen by the Divine and one’s devotion is selfless, one’s heart pure, Grace of Almighty manifests at every turn in the road. Taking necessary precautions not to incur danger or put oneself into a vulnerable position or situation is one’s own responsibility.
If one has the opportunity to work through one’s strongest weaknesses in this life, one should always avail oneself to every possibility to do so. This opens the door to JOY.

For more information:

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