Piura, Peru


  • Insomnia
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Generalized sickness
  • Pains

"I am 73 years old. For three years I suffered of high blood pressure and insomnia. I could not sleep and I felt sick in general, was nervous and the left side of my head hurt. A friend told me about Homa Therapy and I come to that Hospital Cayetano Heredia every month for the control of my blood pressure. She invited me to the Homa Therapy that is carried out daily in this Regional Hospital and from the first day on I felt well. I took the Agnihotra ash and then went to sleep. I had not been able to sleep for three nights, in spite of taking sleeping pills. Now I am so much better and I can function well. My arms and legs no longer hurt. All I take now is one single pill for my high blood pressure, although not every day. I am coming since 17 days to the Homa Therapy sessions and the improvement is noticeable. Now I sleep well from 10 o'clock at night. I have suffered of insomnia for many years. Three years ago I began to take pills, they were relaxing and they were given to me in the hospital, but now with the fire of Homa Therapy I do not need them any longer. It is good to practice the Homa Therapy every day in order to improve health."