Homa Farming Technology in the Hacienda "Fuente de Alegría"
("Source of Joy"), Vinces, Ecuador, South America

More and better Production with Homa Farming Technology. This photo shows the banana bunches coming from the plantation into the packing area, where they are received with a smile.

Eng. Hernan Posas has a 100 ha banana plantation which is in Transition from conventional to organic agriculture. With the implementation of Homa Agricultural Technology, it was possible to avoid using the  insecticide stripes, which are usually attached  to the plastic bags covering the bananas in order to protect them from insect attacks. He also reduced the Black Sigatoka  fumigations in 50%.

Eng. Hernan Posas explains:
“This graph (left) compares the years 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008. In 2008, applying Homa Super-Technology, we observe an increase in the ratio  in the banana production. The ratio is the result of converting banana bunches (racimos) into boxes.
In the previous 3 years (2005, 2006, 2007), one banana bunch filled an average of 1,2 boxes. This year (2008)  the average of boxes filled  with one bunch is 1,65. In spite of the strong rainfall this year, the ratio is higher than in the previous years. We have an increase in production and in productivity. In 2007, we had 2,968 boxes per ha. Our projection  is over 3,400 boxes per ha for this year 2008"

"Our farm suffered the consequences of the rains in previous years. This year (2008) the rains were comparable to the "El Niño" in 1998 when 60 hectares of our farmland were completely destroyed. But this year, practicing Homa Technology, the rains have hardly affected 2 hectares . Other farms have suffered a lot this year due to the excessive rains. Note:In our Province 'Los Rios',  8,000 ha of banana plantations have been destroyed this year 2008.”

The farm  administrator, Mr. Cristobal Macias observed with Homa Technology, the following: "There is a bigger production in quantity and a better production in quality this year with Homa Technology, compared to previous years without Homa. Undoubtedly we are very happy with the results of Homa farming Technology.
It also has helped with the attitude of the workers, who are now more dynamic and cooperative. There are also less complaints.


The statistics below compare the years 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008. In 2008, with the practice of Homa Farming Technology, we observe (left) an increase in the weight of the banana bunches and (right) an increase of the banana clusters per bunch. That means bigger bananas and more bananas with Homa Farming Technology in such a short time.

Eng. Hernan Posas explains: "Till the 5th period (i.e. till may 17th) of this year we harvested 1,804 boxes/ha and therefore our "Fuente de Alegria" reached for the first time the NUMBER ONE place in PRODUCTIVITY of all the banana plantations in our area. We are the only ones using Homa Technology. Other farms use conventional agriculture.
Seeing the listing below of the first 20 ranks in productivity, we can observe that there are some farms with double  size, which are not reaching the productivity we have."

Rank Farm Hectares Total Boxes Boxes /
1  FUENTE DE ALEGRIA 100.0 180,360 1,804
2  ISABEL II  81.0 139,104 1,717
3  ISABEL MARIA   124.0 206,617 1,666
4  ISABEL I  86.0 136,375 1,586
5  DELICIA  80.0 122,905 1,536
6  VOL. DE DIOS  75.0 107,856 1,438
7  MAPAN  109.0 151,389 1,389
8  ERIKITA 190.5 261,936 1,375
9  MERCEDES  64.0 85,728 1,340
10  MINA  44.0 47,165 1,072
11  CARLOS HORACIO  75.0 78,234 1,043
12  VIOLETA  96.0 97,746 1,018
13  PARAISO I  52.0 52,409 1,008
14  MARIA LORENA  44.0 43,802 996
15  GUARUMAL  125.0 122,214 978
16  VICTORIA CHAPULO III  118.0 115,158 976
17  JOSEFA  82.0 77,810 949
18  NUEVO  PORVENIR  65.6 62,141 948
19  VICTORIA CHAPULO II  215.0 201,593 938
20  SAN MIGUEL  110.0 101,756 925

Banana bunch with Homa Technology healthy & nutritive