Translation from Spanish original document signed and sealed by the Republic of Peru, Ministry of the Presidency - INADE. Special Project Alto Huallaga
Headquarters of the Zone Leoncio Prado - Padre Abad
That in the area of Alto Huallaga, an Organic and ecological technique called Homa Therapy has been applied since 7 months ago, for the implementation of the project "Integrated Management of the Crops of the Region applying Homa Therapy, which is based on the biorhythms of Nature and the Science of Pyramidology". The following has been observed in the Coffee plantations:
· In these crops, new leaves are noted right at the top and on the lateral branches of the plant. The top
branches are stronger and erect as they sprout, the new leaves are very shiny and of intense green color. All this with only 22 days of applying Homa Therapy.
· The disease has been disappearing little by little from the fruits that were previously affected with fungus by the effect of Homa Therapy.
· A decrease can be seen in the plagues and diseases nearing to their eradication by the effect of application of Homa Therapy.
· The blossoming took effect out of season, this all around the 40 Has., area of action of Homa Therapy from a Homa Resonance point.
· The existing fruits started to gain size, eventually leading to the increase of yield of the crop. "Caturra" variety behaved as the "Catimor" variety by the Homa Therapy effect.
· Coffee plants started to produce all throughout the year by the effect of Homa Therapy. The blossoming is permanent.
· Coffee plants that were planted a year ago in their final location, after 18 days of applying Homa Therapy, they started to develop new top branches with healthy leaves and started to blossom.
· The coffee nurseries also benefited by the accelerated development of the shoots, which were free of plagues and illnesses by the application of Homa Therapy. In the high Huallaga area, around 300 Has. have been established. Other coffee plantations are being established of "Caturra" and "Catimor" variety. From the coffee crops obtained from the implementation of Homa Therapy, seed banks were established with HOMA coffee beans.
Tingo María, May 17th, 1999
Ministry of the Presidency - INADE
Special Project Alto Huallaga
Engineer José A. Muñoz Cárdenas
Chief, Support Office of the Zone L.P. - P.A.