Cocoa I Cocoa II Cocoa III  Cocoa IV  Cocoa V Cocoa VI  CocoaVII Cocoa VIII Cocoa IX

    Cocoa with Agrochemicals

Moniliasis Roreri:
72 % - 87.5 %

Monalonium Dissimulatum:
degree 3 to 5

(degree 5 = 100%)


Using agrochemicals plus cultural control, the monthly production is approx. 35 kg to 50 kg per hectare. And without cultural control ,
the loss is 100%. 

Observation: Eng. Ruben Izurraga Barja, Contradrogas, Peru
Eng. Alejo Vasquez, Contradrogas Convention, Ministry of Presidency, Satipo, Peru
Eng. Carlos Paucar Soto, SENASA, Satipo, Peru