13th Dec.


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 Editor's NOTE

Light on MEDITATION (2)

      Meditation can help us to expand our awareness in all directions. However, at the beginning, we usually need to disconnect from our surroundings and the physical body. But, which is the best meditation technique for you? Nowadays, we may learn about the many ways to reach “the State of Meditation” through internet. And let’s recall that most techniques are preparations to rise into meditation and not to fall asleep. Also, it is said that there are four types of Yoga suitable to the four common temperaments (characters).
Hatha Yoga -> physical
Bhakti Yoga -> devotional
Raja Yoga -> psychic
Karma Yoga -> selfless service
Before trying meditation (Dhyana), many spiritual scientists (saints, yogis, etc.) advice to practice:
YAMA – NIYAMA (moral and ethical attitudes)
ASANAS – physical postures
PRANAYAMA – breathing exercises
PRATHYAHARA – control over the senses
This is OK, however, you may try this simple meditation technique with Agnihotra. It will almost occur spontaneously. Following are some simple guidelines which can be modified according to your taste:

a) Sit in a comfortable position (you can lay down or walk, but this does require much more attention).
b) Relax the body, but keep the spine erect.
c) Try not move or reduce your movements.
d) Look at the Agnihotra fire for a few minutes and then close your eyes.
e) Pronounce your personal mantra or ”OM SHREE” (loud or silent).
f) Listen to the outer sounds. Listen and feel the healing Agnihotra air coming in and going out through your nostrils.
g) Feel the heart beat.
h) Simply watch the screen in front of your forehead. Witness the darkness, light or any other inner movie without expectations or reactions.
i) Listen to the inner subtle sounds for some time.
j) Then listen to the outer sounds again and open and close your eyes gradually. Let’s come out.

Agnihotra is a bio-energetic process by which anybody can speed up the trip going inwards easily. You may want to put it to the test.

Any comments, questions, suggestions and contributions to the Homa Newsletter are very welcome;
please write to Abel Hernandez & Aleta Macan  terapiahoma@yahoo.com
and add your address to your email. Thanks!


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Homa Healing Stories

Aura Lisenia Ibanez during sunset Agnihotra in the SENA

Aura Lisenia Ibanez
Popayan, Colombia

"I am 64 years old. My cousin heard the invitation to Homa Therapy on the radio. I told my cousin that she could take me anywhere but not to the hospital. She told me that Homa Therapy was in the SENA (National Learning Service) of Popayan. So I told her that I will come because the pain and cramps were terrible. So when I came here I was very seriously ill. I just couldn't go on any longer. I almost fainted from pain when I reached the SENA. After the Homa presentation, after listening to the testimonies and participating in the healing session with many Agnihotra fires I was told that I looked better. For 38 years, I was suffering from this chronic ulcer and mass. In the State Hospital, I was prescribed capsules and treatments which helped me a little, but I got  worse afterwards.
The best that could have happened to me is to  come to know the Homa fires! From the first time I was here in the SENA, I began taking Agnihotra

ash with water at 6 am, at noon and 6 pm. After 10 days, the pain still continued and at 5 o'clock in the morning I had a very horrible colic pain. I went to the bathroom and almost fainted. I had something like a bowl movement and blood came out with a tumor of the size of an orange. That ball was black and big. I continued for 5 days expelling blood clots. Then, for 3 days, everything was good. Then I started expelling  something like large strips for another 3 days. After that, my health improved gradually. Now, I'm OK.

Before, my stomach was swollen and I could not even button up my pants. I could touch that ball in the pit of my stomach. Now, it is not there anymore. In addition, I also suffered a lot from headaches and had nervous problems. Those are gone.
I feel so happy. I feel so lucky, because since then I did not feel any pain again. I practice Agnihotra and I take its healing ash. What could not be healed in 38 years with medical drugs was healed within 2 months with Homa Therapy!"
Photo left shows Mrs. Ibanez sharing her Agnihotra ash with people attending the Homa fires in the SENA of Popayan, where weekly Agnihotra sessions are set up by Prof. Henry Ariza.



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Maria Cristina Correa y Rafael Valenzuela
Cienaga, Magdalena, Colombia

“Our Homa garden on the
Caribbean Sea”

"When we bought this house on the beach, there were icaco bushes planted on the borders of the premise. We began to recycle all fallen leaves and then we created a reforestation system. We started planting trees and ornamental plants.

We planted cassava, mangos, guava, papaya, plums, beans, sapodilla, lemons, avocados, grapes and many aromatic herbs such as mint, oregano and plenty of basil around the house and all this on the salty sand of the beach. We spray everything with the Agnihotra ash solution and of course, we practice daily sunrise and sunset Agnihotra.
We live practically in the front of the ocean but all these plants took really off after we started doing the Homa fires. Now, we are surrounded by mango trees, which give fruits all year round! Usually the mango is a seasonal fruit, but on our land it gives at all times. Now imagine what happened: we were not here for 3 months (nobody did Agnihotra) and during that time they did not produce! We are truly amazed because we had mango all year round. Nobody has that around here. Also, we had a papaya tree growing in the sand with a cluster of six papayas ! Once we got a cassava plant about a meter long and 30 cm thick. It was very heavy. Nobody has what we have here.
We practically transformed our beach house in a small farm of 2700 square meters. We also have 4 varieties of plantains and bananas which are the manzano banana ( small banana),  a thick variety banana with 4 edges,  a big banana called “Harton” (eaten fried or green) and the regular banana variety which is eaten in fruit salads. Our beans reach a length up to half a meter. We have a mango variety  called 'Tommy' which gives big fruits and once we received a mango which weighed about 2 kilos and it was delicious. That tree gives baskets after baskets of mango. Like the coconuts, which are full of water and we constantly drink coconut water. We have various kinds of coconut trees which are always full of fruits.
We recycle the water and we recycle all waste, except plastic, glass and metal. For example all organic waste material serves as fertilizer for the soil. When we arrived here, there was no grass growing. Now, as you can see, it is like in a stadium and we did not bring this from outside.
We are able to donate much of our delicious garden products to the nursing home.
We also take Agnihotra ash every day and we feel very good, very harmonized. Here, at our little farm, we invite the people for Agnihotra, because we want to share the good things that happen to us. This is fantastic and a very real experience."
(photos from Ma Christina's y Rafael's Homa garden on the Caribbean sea in Cienaga)



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Psychologist Liz Dunn spoke on the PopTech conference in Camden, Maine:

The link between greed and long-term health.

Christie Nicholson reports
Saturday, October 23, 2010

At the PopTech conference in Camden, Maine, this weekend I caught up with social psychologist Liz Dunn who studies links between money and happiness. Recently she found a possible link between generosity and physical health and I asked her about it:

[Liz Dunn] We did a little experiment where we gave people some money, ten dollars. And we said, “Hey, you can keep all this money for yourself or you can give as much of it as you want away.” What we found, consistent with all our past research, was that the more money people gave away, the happier they felt. Conversely though, the more money people kept for themselves the more shame they experienced.
And the more shame people felt the more we saw their cortisol levels rise. Now this is important because cortisol is thought to explain some of the links that we’ve seen between stress and disease. So we know that over time elevated levels of cortisol cause wear and tear on the body.
So what we think is that we may be seeing just the first hint of this kind of missing link between generosity and health. So we know that a lot of generous behaviors are associated with consequences for health. Engaging in volunteer work is good for longevity. So why is that? Well, we are beginning to see that cortisol may play a role.    — Christie Nicholson


GMO and other poisoned FOOD

Just say no to GMO
Listen to the song and spread the News

FOOD: The ultimate secret exposed:
MUST see informative video clip by Alex Jones

Picture: worth1000.com


Contaminating  Colombia through open Mining

"La minería enriquece a unos pocos y perjudica a la sociedad en general. QUE LE VAMOS A DEJAR A NUESTROS HIJOS?"
"Cuando falte la comida - ¿comeremos ORO? y cuando no haya agua - ¿beberemos ORO?"




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Mrs. Maria Teresa Nunez invited the community of  Tenjo and its surrounding villagers to participate in the healing Agnihotra fire and to listen to Prof. Abel's audio- visual Homa presentation. The people had been informed through the local TV station.


Homa Mantra workshop with
Prof. Abel Hernandez
All Agnihotris were invited to   learn additional Mantras for more Homa fires
(see photo left), which can be practiced at any given time, except at sunrise and sunset, what is the time for the basic Homa fire AGNIHOTRA.



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The two and a half hour Homa Mantra workshop in the center of Bogota
ended with many healing Agnihotra fires and much love, peace and joy in the atmosphere.
The space for this and for the Homa medicine workshop, a large TV screen and audio was provided by the lovely couple, Mrs. Carmensa and Mr. Oswaldo Ulises Rodriguez Pinilla.



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The Homa home-made medicine workshop was well attended by many Agnihotris (see photos above and middle row), who can now prepare their own Homa medicines. With the wonderful help of Maria Teresa many preparations could be shown, like washing the medicinal ghee (1st photo 1st row) which has a wonderful effect on the inner organs when rubbed and mixed with Agnihotra ash over the affected organs. Then a flu medicine was prepared consisting of pure honey, lemon juice, grated ginger and Agnihotra ash (2nd photo 1st row). Also Agnihotra eye drops were prepared (3rd photo 1st row) and many aspects of Homa medicines were explained by Aleta and Prof. Abel according to the many years of research work done by Pharmacist Monika Koch from Germany.



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The Homa schedule in Bogota also kept us very busy teaching and sharing the healing

medicinal Agnihotra fire with many people.
(photo above in the Homa Center of Bogota with Mrs. Maria Teresa, photos left and last row in the home of Dr. Jesus Orlando Gomez and his loving wife Dr. Julia Emma and photo below in an Agro- fair organized by Mr. Jitesh.)



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Centro Homa de Bogota
Mrs. Maria Teresa Nunez guides the weekly Agnihotra meetings with much love, dedication and with the help of Mrs.Carmencia. Mr. Jaime Valbuena shares wonderful devotional singing after the meditation.



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 We could share the Homa fires with the lovely family, in-laws and friends of Mr. Jairo Ocampo whom we had met earlier on our Colombia Homa Tour in Santa Marta.
For more than 7 years, he and his Pranic Healer friends are devoted to their project  which feeds lunch to over 200 students daily in an area of Cali  where this meal is often the only one these children get.
Also Dr. Fernando Rico arrived from his home town to share an evening Agnihotra.
(see all photos this page)



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SENA (National Service of Learning), Popayan
Prof. Henry Ariza, his wife, Dr. Lucia Garzon and Dr. Francisco Parra
arranged our last Agnihotra meeting in the SENA of Popayan before leaving Colombia.
In the chapel of the SENA, Prof. Ariza shares every Saturday Agnihotra with the public and in the clinic of Dr. Francisco Parra  Agnihotra is done daily with the help of the Garzon sisters. We heard several amazing healing testimonies  and we thank the lovely Homa family in Popayan for their unconditional love and support.
(see all photos this page)



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Centro Homa de Guayaquil
Daily Agnihotra sessions are offered in this Healing Center under the caring guidance of Director Sonia Hunter.
It seems as if the Homa fires gain more  strength and healing power, specially in places where they are practiced regularly.



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The Homa Medical Center "Buen Pastor" (The good Shepherd), under de professional guidance of Dr. Jaime Montufar and his loving staff members Gloria and Eliane, keeps emanating lots of healing and light not only for the patients but for the whole area. It is a joy to see  so many Healing Homa fires lit daily and to hear from patients about their improvements and recoveries of hard core diseases. Divine Grace operates where the Homa fires are!



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Medical Homa Center "Buen Pastor"
There, every day the Festival of Love and Healing is celebrated at sunset Agnihotra time. (Photo in the middle, left, shows 9 year old Fabela doing Agnihotra)
Dr. Montufar also works with complementary therapies like magnets, herbs, Tibetan medicine, Reiki, etc.


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Daily performance of Agnihotra at
Homa Jaivik Farm

 Visiting the Agnihotra Kuti (hut).

Dr. R.K. Pathak sent this information from India:
"The four day training on various aspects of Homa Jaivik Krishi was organized at Manas Rural Development Farm at Sijiwali, Thane, Maharashtra, India by Manas Rural Development Institute from 10th to 13th November, 2110. All the participants were from India, except one from Malaysia.
During the four-day training program, different aspects of Homa Jaivik Krishi were explained by Prof. R.K. Pathak and Dr. Kshirsagar. The training included daily performance of morning & evening Agnihotra, practice of mantras related to Homa Organic Farming, visit to the Homa Jaivik Farm of MANAS and arrangement of various production units. Emphasis was put on the practical preparation of bio enhancers and their use in agriculture i.e. seed treatment, arrangement of rows before seed sowing, preparation of Agnihotra enriched water solution, Biosol etc. Every evening after the Mantra class, video clips, prepared by Manas Rural Development Institute and Five Fold Path Mission, were shown. All the participants left satisfied with the knowledge, practical experience and literature provided during the training."

Arranging the rows and adding Agnihotra ash before sowing.

Practice of preparation of Agnihotra ash water solution.



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Below photo was sent by Reiner Szcypior showing his wife Manuela performing Agnihotra in an old Shiva Temple in Hrishikesh. They are accompanied by the caretakers of the temple. 


Centro “LA CASA DEL SOL” en Andahuaylillas, Cusco-Perú
Jens Sorensen from Denmark, now living in Cusco-Peru writes:
"On September 20th, 2010, Dr. Ulrich Berk from Germany installed a resonance point at “La Casa del Sol” Center in “Andahuaylillas”, a small village located 35 km. outside the city of Cusco. Here we are performing Homa fires daily and on full moon days we are doing 24 hours of Om Tryambakam.
At this Center, there are 25 beds and it has been used for workshops for several years. Here we are helping people get out of their addictions. Our team includes a doctor, a psychologist, therapists and two cooks.

Also, in Cusco city, there is a clinic where we are doing Agnihotra every night for the public and every Thursday at 6 pm we perform Om Tryambakam fire for one hour."



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For all further details please see: http://www.somayag.org



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Pharmacist  Monika Koch, Germany

Do you sweat a lot? You sweat too much?

Sweating is a natural function of the body. It helps to cool, removes many toxins, etc. But sometimes, it can happen that we feel too hot, just uncomfortably hot. In this case, it's always helpful to consider - why? Do I sweat because I am right now nervous or do I have a lot of stress or do I have to cope with a strong, unexpected situation? Do I feel often too hot?

Is it a general weakness, which makes me sweat at first and then makes me feel cold? Am I overweight so that too much heat is retained and the temperature cannot be balanced as precisely and easily by the body? Do I have an infection and the body fights it with fever? Am I in the so-called menopause, which may cause a hormonal adjustment and change in my internal balance?
If someone is sweating often and for too long, this may put a burden on the body. But we can help to create balance. For this, it is very important to pay attention to sufficient supply of magnesium. Through sweating, the body loses a lot of magnesium, and if it is not getting enough supply, it's easy to get leg cramps, muscle cramps, micro-vascular spasms, pain in arms or legs and it can even lead to a heart attack. Yes, the heart is a muscle, and if there is too little magnesium available, it may lead to heart problems. For example, it was found in studies that patients with heart attacks often had too little magnesium available in their metabolism. So we can support the body very well, if we take enough magnesium (for example, by taking for 5 days 300 mg magnesium daily, the magnesium deposit of the body can be filled up again). With our food we often do not get enough magnesium, so we can complement it with Agnihotra ash powder and stone powder or spirulina mixed in water. This adds easily and quickly the essential vitamins and minerals to the body, which can quickly be lost through too much sweating. The body needs these to stay healthy.
At the same, time we can also help the body to remain balanced, so that excessive sweating is no longer necessary. Of course, it always helps to start with the cause of the sweat. For example with stress issues, we need to learn to be more organized; when suffering from weakness it is good to sleep a lot and ensure a better balance in our life style in order to strengthen our system; with hormon
al changes we can take plant hormones or similar products to ensure a better hormonal balance, etc.
An overall good supplement is the medicinal plant called elderberry (Sambucus nigra)! We may prepare from elderberry flowers (fresh or dried) a herbal tea or a juice pressed from elderberries or prepare some elderberry jam. Or we can take the homeopathic Sambucus-globules. If we want a quick fix, then the following is important: the first three days and precisely every hour take 3-Sambucus-globules or a cup of elderberry tea or pressed elderberry juice or elderberry jam with a pinch of Agnihotra ash powder! Elderberry is very gentle and it needs to be taken in the first three days in concentrated form in order to be sufficiently present in the body. From the fourth day on we can reduce its intake to 4 x daily (morning, afternoon, evening and before bed). Elderberry is a plant with a lot of vitality and it contains strong healing power!


 Elderberry flowers

 Sage tea

If you desire, you can add sage tea (leaves of Salvia officinalis) to this treatment. You can drink 3 times a day a cup of sage tea and also wash with this tea the areas of the body where you sweat the most. Again, please note to add a pinch of Agnihotra ash powder to the tea. Why? Agnihotra ash contains in sealed form the healing power and energy of the Agnihotra-fire and thus can pass on this healing power to the body. Our body does not just consist of skin, muscles, blood and bones, but also includes many subtle systems that are critical for our health or disease. The Agnihotra fire and the Agnihotra ash support all these different systems automatically with the power of health, and how wonderful is it that we can apply this life-force so easily.

For further information please visit the website: http://www.homatherapy.de



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              Once you make the choice to serve others in whatever way you can, automatically at each turn, you are given these subtle hints and guidance comes through any channel necessary at the time. Guidance can come in dreams, in everyday conversation with a stranger, in reading; even through music subtle guidance comes.

              You go a little higher and all becomes joy. This is not for future. This joy is within you right now. Once you are filled with this love everything changes. With such a love there are no expectations. ONLY LOVE. Pure and simple. It is waiting for you. Make the effort.

                   More meditations. More silence. Inculcate wisdom through silence. Have no judgment.

                   You allow yourself to be pulled back into old habits as if the old habits are stronger than you, as if the mind has no control. It is easy to say, “I cannot help it,” but in the long run it is easier to help it. Love and purity are there within you. Think how you can better yourself. Then see what comes. All you have to do is make the effort. You cannot lie back and expect the world to fall at your feet because your heart is pure.

                   Do whatever you can with humility and without expectation.

                  If you are very clear about your motivation, your goals and your purpose then others will have more confidence in you.

                 It is always feast or famine in normal life. Ups and downs. That is the way of mind. YOU GO A LITTLE HIGHER AND YOU ENTER A STATE OF JOY. This is THAT. This is where we are taking you.

                 Fortunate are those who walk in the Light for they will be released. Come forward all in unity.



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as received by Parvati Bizberg, Poland)

On sensitive children
In the winds, it seems great change will come. Aspects of a deeply transformative time are, of course, reflected in the children. There will be many wise ones born and many have already been born. All the talk about Crystal children and Indigo children may appear theoretical, and the assigning of such titles to children who reflect a myriad of impressions, none-to-be labeled, may seem limited. However positive the intention, names such as ‘crystal’ and’ indigo’ are terms which may or may not capture the essence of these special beings.
Children born with a sixth sense so-to-speak will find it quite difficult at times to attempt to fit into the ‘norm’. They are like beings born outside the proverbial ‘box’. So to think ‘outside the box’ comes quite naturally to these rather free-thinking beings. The problem comes when, without adequate understanding and sensitivity of those around them, they can find themselves easily pulled into wrong direction in life. Particularly difficult for these rather creative thinkers is the age of puberty, the onset of a sexuality which they may find challenging to embrace.
Those of you who have already had and raised your children may have moved on in your focus and have shifted to a more mature audience. However, remember many of you hold the precise key required by these seemingly awkward but highly

aware children, and you may wish to rethink your focus to include them in your work.
For young beings with sensitivity, the element of SOUND and FIRE will be quite effective. These are beings who will tend to open more in an environment which places less emphasis on intellectual comprehension and more on vibrational frequencies. They respond to subtle energies and most children can be reached via SOUND.
In fact, those of you who are in the public eye, teaching and developing programs of alternative healing and even ecological solutions, may perhaps consider this aspect and prepare a special presentation designed for children of vision.

On Gulf Oil spill
Yes, yes. The Gulf Oil crisis is far from over. Perhaps it is out of the minds of the people, as now the news is shifting to other subjects, but the residue left behind is tragically only beginning to take effect. Not only marine life has suffered. It will have long-term effects on the human population as well.


Thanks for sharing the "Good News" with this Homa Health Newsletter!

Further web sites on Homa Therapy:

www.terapiahoma.com    www.homa1.com   www.homatherapy.info
www.agnihotra.org     www.homatherapie.de      www.homatherapy.de www.tapovan.net    www.homatherapyindia.com     www.homatherapy.org  www.homatherapypoland.org   www.homapsychotherapy.com
www.agnihotra.com.au   www.terapiahoma.org

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