13th March


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        We continue our Self-study (Swadhyaya) or 'Know Thyself'. Let’s study a bit the Shanti Mantra of the Ishavasya Upanishad:
 "Om Purnamadah
 Purnamidam ...
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shantihi".

"That is Whole (Perfect),
This is Whole (Perfect),
The Infinite emerges from the Infinite;
and having come out the Infinite, afterwards
what remains is still Infinite.
Om peace, peace, peace."

For the common person, if we project ourselves in time and space, it is normal to be able to see how a seed planted in good soil can be transformed into:
a) a plant or garden
b) a tree or forest

For Spiritual Scientists, the Divine Spark, present in each one of us, is like a seed that has the potential to germinate, grow and transform until it merges with its source and manifests divine qualities.
In a developed study of this process that we could call Evolution, Ascension or Realization, we see some components or self-regulating factors that collaborate in this development.
What would these components or factors be? This can be a subject to meditate on.
Now, following logical reasoning, everything starts with one.
Yes, yes, yes, from one we go to two to three and so on.
(1 -> 2 -> 3 ->…)

It seems to go from a Uni-verse to a Multi-verse.



On the other hand, following certain spiritual reasoning, everything appears to start from Nothing, which becomes Everything and vice versa.
From Emptiness to Fullness. From Zero to Infinity. (0 to ). Can zero be
equals to infinite?  0 = ?
In man and the continuous search for him, we see the potential to achieve Perfection within the Apparent Imperfection.
We also see how the Apparent Imperfection manifests within itself Perfection.
Observing Nature, it seems that generation and degeneration, ascend and descent, follow each other as intrinsic cycles in spiral movements.
For example, we see these cycles, polarities, and spirals in the movement of the planets and the actions of living things.

Thus, we tend to seek pleasure and flee from pain in the Wheel of life and death (Samsara).
How to escape these chains that bind us to lives full of transitory and ephemeral sensations?
We are recommended:
- Practice detachment without indifference (Vairagya).
- Fill ourselves with Love without passion, without expectations, without judgments and without attachments.

Your experiences, comments, questions & suggestions are welcome! To subscribe to the HomaHealth Newsletter,
 please write to Abel Hernandez & Aleta Macan: terapiahoma@yahoo.com  Thank you!


EDITOR's NOTE - continued

- Love: the Self and the Neighbor, life and death;
the good and the bad;
the black and the white;
the virtuous and the vicious; etc.

What do we need to:
- walk in the dark without tripping?
- differentiate between good and evil?
- differentiate between the transitory and the eternal?
The ancient Spiritual Scientists whisper

to us:
Light, Wisdom and Divine Grace.

But how to get these?
Doing your Dharma (prescribed duty).

And what is your Dharma?
This is the Theme for the next HHNL.

    OM SHREE OM    


Ximena Dinamarca
Machalí, Chile, South America
Igor's Story
In 2003 a German shepherd puppy came to our family. His parents were legally registered, that is, he was purebred. The first night he spent alone in his house in the yard; he didn't cry at all. He was always very strong, and little by little he became our very good

guard. He did not let anyone in, he was very territorial and he grew up strong and healthy. He loved to play ball with my children.
   This breed has the problem that upon reaching the age of 7 they begin with a degenerative disease and this happened to Igor too. We took him to the vet, where they examined him. They did many tests, but the conclusion was there was nothing to be done. Since he was already sick, he was prescribed corticosteroids for life. todo. But even taking those, he couldn't move freely, he passed his days just lying on his blanket and one could tell that he was suffering.
     I had learned to practice the Homa fires and began to give him Agnihotra ash, morning and night mixed with his food and with tomato sauce. Igor participated by accompanying me every day when I performed Agnihotra. And in just one month, he was able to get back on his feet without any problem! He played again, his fur changed and he was rejuvenated!
     He did not take any more corticosteroids and no other medication, only Agnihotra ash.
The life expectancy of this breed is approximately 9 years. When Igor reached his 13th birthday, he stopped consuming the Agnihotra ash. He did not want to eat any more. Even though his physical problems disappeared and never came back, I understood that his time was coming to a close. When he turned 14, he left. And he left very much like a grandfather, in peace, without pain, without illness. Igor just left. That was in 2017. Igor had exceeded his life expectancy by many years.
Agnihotra ash used as medicine works really wonders!
With affection I share this testimony with the Agnihotris community.

Shruti Arun
Kerala, India

   After regularly performing evening Agnihotra, I observed several positive changes in my life. One of them was the sudden aversion to non-vegetarian food. I had been a meat and fish person. But, a week after starting to perform Agnihotra, I developed feelings of disgust towards these foods. I started to adopt a vegetarian diet and no longer have these sudden hunger attacks.
It has been over a month since I started doing Agnihotra and I feel very energized and positive, among other things. Overall, both mentally and physically I feel like a better version of myself and I would like to share this message with everyone.

I believe that just like human beings, even animals have a life of their own and we should try not to cause them harm. I believe that this Karmic cycle is strong. Do good and good will come to you. (Photo: Shruti Arun)

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Simla Moothoosamy Gopal
Mauritius Island

     Since 2011, when we moved to our new home, we met with difficulties. I saw dark energies moving in the house, some sorts of spirits. At the backside of my home is a river and in the neighborhood are lots of spirits wandering around. I was feeling restless and stressed out and there was a certain point when I even wanted to sell the house due to the disgust I felt about the environment.
At night, my children and I were afraid of sleeping. I kept on doing prayers and purifying rituals at home, but things persisted,

again and again. I was very affected by these strange happenings.
Also, lots of crows came everyday making noise, at times there were about 15 crows sitting on our pine tree. Besides, often I heard about police cases related to thieves in this neighborhood.
By God’s grace, one day my sister shared a post on Agnihotra. After reading that post, without any delay, I called Mr. Janardhun, bought an Agnihotra kit and started practicing this healing technique.
Doing Agnihotra each and every day, I could feel in the air how our home and environment became livelier, more peaceful and serene. Now, it has become a pleasure to live life. We barely hear or see a crow nowadays and also there is hardly a police case.
After 11 years of living here, I have started doing renovations, like painting.
I feel soooo happy!
All family members are doing now their tasks with great ease, without seeing life as a burden. I am more joyful and tackle every problem without feeling like a victim of life’s circumstances.
Adding to Agnihotra, I started also doing Tryambakam Homa in August of last year. My life has become so wonderful and my home is my comfort zone!
I am fortunate to have come to know Agnihotra in this lifetime, to learn its practice and be part of the Agnihotra family. I am very thankful to Mr. Janardhun and our Mauritius Agnihotra group and Professor Abel for their teachings.
(Photo: Mrs. Simla practicing Agnihotra)

Nancy Carmiña Ocaña Santos
Piura, Peru, South America

   I am 48 years old and my experience with Homa Therapy is truly miraculous.
I had a large wart next to my right eye and I went to the dermatologist and he told me that he had to cauterize it and it would cost me a lot of money. When I got to know Homa Therapy, I was amazed by all the miracles I witnessed and heard with the fires of Homa

Therapy. My experience with the practice of Agnihotra is that I started to apply the Agnihotra ash and mysteriously, as if by magic, the wart disappeared. It’s gone. I mixed the moisturizing cream, which I always use for my face, with Agnihotra ash and the wart disappeared.
I also want to tell you that I had severe migraines, sometimes I had them daily, weekly, biweekly. They threw me on the bed. I used to vomit and I couldn't do my chores. Today, thanks God and Homa Therapy, I no longer suffer from these migraines.
I am grateful for having known this beautiful Therapy, which is healing us. We are practicing it in the family and I hope to be able to reach more friends so that they can also take advantage of it and start healing. I bear witness that I am now happy and healthy.
(Photo: Nancy with her husband and her son practicing Agnihotra.)

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Mario Aguilar
Coquimbo, Chile, South America


Here are some of my experiences with
Homa Therapy in Agriculture (2001):

2) Continuation of the experience in a lemon plantation (please see the first part of this testimony in the previous HHNL):   ... I told him 'Don't worry, we're going to save these trees;  

I had enough water with Agnihotra ash because I was just going to fumigate the trees in my place. But on that occasion, I gave him all the Agnihotra ash solution I had. The next day, I returned to his land with my equipment (a small pump and pruning shears), and we cut all the dry branches and we began to fumigate it with the Agnihotra ash water solution. After six or seven days, the trees sprouted again. It was as if the trees had never been sick. They had a special shine on their leaves. And there were many flowers for the future fruits to develop, thanks to this special water containing Agnihotra ash.

3) Another direct and palpable experience I had and which leaves no doubt that this Agnihotra ash is really formidable for agriculture, is the following:
A friend had an orchard of one hundred square meters and there he had a lemon plantation and also an olive tree attacked by a plague. We applied the Agnihotra ash and everything rejuvenated. We also put Agnihotra ash on all other plants so they would not get sick.
Now it is clear that Agnihotra ash supports healing and it works in the prevention of pests and diseases.

4) I had another very good and similar experience with some gentlemen, our colleagues, who sold their vehicle and bought land in the interior of Vicuña. This were about 35,000 hectares and each ones’ share were 8,000 ha; It was a plantation of avocados, which are very delicate. Even with a strong breeze the branches break. And avocados are also very prone to contracting any type of disease.
One afternoon I went to see him and he showed me his plantation and I noticed a yellow stripe. I asked him why he did not practice Agnihotra and fertilize the trees with Tryambakam ash (he knew about Homa Therapy). But he told me that he had made too big of an investment and did not want to risk it.
I suggested that he leave me 4 strips of avocado and he would keep another 40 or 50. I told him that I bet that I am going to harvest more avocado proportionately. So, he agreed and said let's do it. To give more similar conditions to the case I told him: let's use that same curtain that you use to stop the winds and thus prevent the flowers from falling prematurely and also prevent the trees from falling. So, he placed the curtain also around the four stripes that I would give Agnihotra treatment.
   I took my pyramid plus two more, he had. At one end of the marked land, I did Agnihotra, in the middle my wife did it and he himself did it at the other end. Each row or stripe had about 80 avocado trees. We did Agnihotra in the morning and in the afternoon. During the day, we did two hours of Tryambakam Homa from 12 noon to 2 pm and we were treating the trees with Agnihotra ash, fumigating them with Agnihotra ash spray and fertilizing them with the Homa ashes.
   After a short time, we could notice that the leaves of the avocados were like the plants we have in our place, shiny and vigorous. Unlike the plants that were higher up and that were treated with chemical elements, these had yellowish leaves denoting decay. There was such a visible difference between one and the other that he made the decision to treat the entire property only with Homa Therapy. In fact, at home I didn't miss avocados anymore, my friend took care that our stock was always full.

Things like this occur in small places and large plantations, when plants are treated with Homa pyramidal Fires at established Homa Resonance Points; the result is truly optimal.

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Into the Soil | The Wisdom of Regenerative Farming:
A refreshing perspective on what it means to be wealthy.

A must see story!

The Story of the 3 Laughing Monks - Zen Wisdom

(click on the photo)

René Quinton and his discovery:
"The marine environment, from where life originated, is the largest ecosystem on the planet."

This formulation led René Quinton (1866 – 1925), a brilliant French researcher, to base his scientific theory on a universal premise: Seawater, reduced to isotonicity, has a chemical composition similar to that of blood plasma. Through this idea, Quinton formed his basic therapy: to reconstruct the damaged cell using seawater.
Quinton used seawater to treat diseases such as cholera, gastrointestinal infections, psoriasis, eczema, and as a substitute for blood transfusions.


Jason Mraz

    Look for the good in everything
....Look for the good in everyone

Enjoy a deep message in a beautiful song...

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Mass Healing Encounters with AGNIHOTRA medicinal Fire occur weekly on several days in Piura. More and more people come to experience this technique and to receive healing at the Center for Professional and Social Rehabili-tation of the Peruvian state (CERPS).

There, Clinical Psychologist Marisol del Mar la Rosa (photo on the right, first left), is the Director of the branch of Complementary Medicine in the Department (State) of Piura. She prescribes for the patients the attendance to ‘Homa Therapy Meditation’ sessions. A general well-being, emotional and mental relief are experienced instantly by the participants. The healing, harmonizing and balancing power is palpable in these

sessions. Prof. Abel guides these free sessions with teachings related to Homa Therapy and The Fivefold Path (Yagnya, Daana, Tapa, Karma, and Swadhyaaya). He also guides the practice of simple therapeutic Yoga exercises, deep breathing, rhythmic movements, etc.
It is a joy for all attendees to see the improvement of each person as the days pass.
(Photos of this page: Homa healing meetings at CERPS.)

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Photos of this page:

Homa healing meetings at CERPS with patients from EsSalud (Social Insurance system in Peru). These meetings are held in the area of 'COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE'.

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After just a few sessions with Agnihotra, patients report notable improvements on their sleep, in their level of anxiety, irritation, depression, etc. Their physical pains decrease and the ability to move better and to live each day with more joy, increases significantly.
(Photos of this page: healing Agnihotra meetings at the CERPS.)

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Photos on this page:
Some of the Sunday gatherings at the vegetarian restaurant ‘Ganimedes’ of the Cruz family. People of all ages participate and reach higher level of awareness.
These are truly
"Festivities of Light, Love and Healing."

After Agnihotra, Prof. Abel guides inspiring Satsangs. At the end, we sing devotional songs with Javier Cruz.

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Simple physical exercises with deep,  rhythmic breathing keep our body flexible and our mind calm. And everyone enjoys these.

(Photos of this page: Homa Healing Encounters at Ganimedes, a vegetarian restaurant.)

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Photos of this page:
Homa healing meetings in Ganimedes.

The photo below -
shows the audio-visual talk given by Agronomist, Eng. Irma Jiménez, about bio-gardens and food safety.

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Photos: Agnihotra at home, with family, with friends, on the beach, the first Agnihotra of Mía, in the bakery, in Dr. Lilibeth's office, etc.

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The ANCIENT SCIENCE of HOMA THERAPY: Healing Yourself and Healing Nature

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The Complementary Medicine branch of EsSalud in Carabayllo, North Lima, is under the direction of Dr. Jesús Borja. There, Clinical Psychologist Jorge Torres and Therapist Monk Chen summon patients weekly for a group healing with the Agnihotra Fire, which originates from Ayurvedic Medicine.
Homa Therapy is a successful way of natural therapeutic treatment, which has the side effects of increasing joy, well-being and love within us!


Mother Sofía (photo right) is sharing and teaching Agnihotra to all people who arrive at her small Homa farm, astonished by the greenery, grasping its vital energy and for having heard of the healings that occur with the practice of Homa Therapy.

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Diana Molano and her husband Endir Rozo (photo to the right) regularly share Agnihotra in public parks and other places within the city Villavicencio
(see photos on this page)
The group of Agnihotra practitioners is growing and this is also a great benefit for this city.

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Yesenia, from Huila, shares with relatives, friends and neighbors this healing technique called Agnihotra, which she practices daily, mostly in the company of her 5-year-old son, Juan Camilo. (Photos on this page.)

Little Juan Camilo has "risen in love" with the Agnihotra fire and uses this ash for the plants, trees, animals, etc.

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Agnihotra Workshop in La Aurora - A healing experience
The Fundación Quintuple Sendero Chile held a Homa Therapy - Agnihotra workshop on Friday, February 3, at the Patricia Leighton Yoga center in La Aurora, Curacaví, Chile. The workshop was well received in the community (see photo below).
During Agnihotra, the Fire of Magrit, a new practitioner, began to smoke a lot. The smoke reached her daughter Carolina, sitting next to her. Magrit, frightened, asked Carolina to move away from the smoke... but Carolina replied to leave her like that, receiving all the smoke, because it "did her good".
At the end of the Agnihotra, Karina Ohme, vice president of the Foundation, explained to the attendees that the Agnihotra smoke is healing, and she narrated what happened in 1984 in Bhopal, India. Magrit, surprised, shared that the night before she had to take her daughter Carolina to the hospital urgently, due to respiratory failure.
And that, during Agnihotra, her daughter intuitively knew that the smoke was good for her, and let it surround her.

The Foundation and the Agni Prem Center organized a free Homa Therapy - Agnihotra workshop on Sunday, February 5, 2023 in Vitacura, Santiago de Chile. During the workshop several new pyramids were lit, and the attendees shared beautiful experiences. "Heaven shows us and calls us to practice this technique as often as possible in order for changes to ocurr," said one of them.
Fernanda Maggio also shared her experience with us:
"I wanted to tell you that, due to feminine issues, I usually get a severe headache once a month. Yesterday I went to the Agnihotra workshop and was taught that this Agnihotra ash is also used to heal (I only used the ash on the plants). Well, today I got a headache and I drank water with a pinch of Agnihotra ash and the headache went away."

(Photo on the right: Pilar Cerda begins the workshop with a Vyahruti Homa. Photo below: Group Agnihotra)
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María Gabriela from West Palm Beach gathered a group of friends and Agnihotris from the MaYu Tribe for a sacred Gong session in Agnihotra atmosphere. A healing event in harmony with nature and the universe!

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Mr. Ravi Lad wrote:

"On Sunday, March 5th, we met to chant Mantras and practice Agnihotra at the place of Dada Gurubandhu Mohite in Shahapur, Belgaum, Karnataka, India."

(Photos above and left)

Dr. Ulrich Berk visited Marwah Studios in Noida. They recorded 2 interviews about Agnihotra and Homa Therapy: ne for the radio and one for the TV.
At sunset he met with the owner of this Studio, who is also the founder and president of the Asian Academy of Film and TV,
Dr. Sandeep Marwah. 

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Mr. Ravi Lad wrote:

On March 12th,
 World Agnihotra Day
cas celebrated, as every year, at the factory of Eng. Vinayak Lokur
 in Belgaum.
The program began with a thank-you

ceremony for the cows, followed by chanting of the Vedas by trained pandits (priests). Then all chanted Tryambakam Homa, followed by the intonation of the Mantra OM until it was time for the mass practice of Agnihotra. It has been a wonderful and unique experience!

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Mr. Sundeep Pargankar and Dr. Sonal Patil organized an Agnihotri meeting at the Vidya Niketan Reiki Center
 in Nashik city,
for the celebration of the
World Agnihotra Day.


In one of the zoom meetings, where we practice  Kriya Homa Meditation with Agnihotra, the following happened:   
At the end of the meeting, Prof. Abel asked the participants from all different countries: "What is the first thing you would take with you in case you had to run due to a natural disaster or something similar?"
The participants "paused" thinking, but suddenly someone shouted: "The Agnihotra pyramid!"
One of the beautiful things about this answer is that it came from a 6-year-old Agnihotra practitioner. His name is Erick Batioja Guerrero (photo to the right)
It is also interesting, because Master Shree Vasant referred to Agnihotra as a process similar to "Kamadhenu", the fulfiller of wishes.
If you wish to participate in these meetings, on Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Friday’s via ZOOM, you can enter:
ID: 3206773902   PASSWORD: homa //or
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3206773902 - homa

Note: Erick is the grandson of Mother Sofia, a loving and service-oriented column of the Homa Fire in the northern part of Ecuador.

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Maria Broom, artist, dancer, story teller, actress, ... Agnihotri, shares a very special occasion with us from Baltimore:

"It is miraculous! Truly one of Shrees' blessings to teach at the 'Baltimore School for the Arts' for twenty-eight years and to begin every single class with a Homa fire.
 Four to six fires each week in that school building for the last twenty-eight years, it's astonishing!
Impossible to count how many young people (now professional performers or parents themselves) can chant the Vyahruti, and know the tones and cadence of Om Tryambakam.
The photo (at the bottom) is from one of three morning meditations being offered school-wide where students who are not in my classes can choose to attend."

THANK YOU for being a Great Blessing for thousands of children, families and for this planet and for having planted and continue to plant seeds of Light and Joy in hearts!

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By Parvati Rosen-Bizberg

  In a child’s mind, he or she is the center of their universe. Opinions from others and acceptance amongst their peers is paramount to most children. When you then take into consideration the power of social media to expose one’s private life, to create a false sense of friendship based on ‘likes’ and the number of friends shown on one’s profile, the stage is set for extreme emotions.

For a child, whose world naturally revolves around his or herself, they are far more vulnerable to the effects of cyber bullying than one can imagine.

I do not profess to know the answers, but I do know that children of today need more attention, care and guidance than ever before. And quite often, they get less. There is no excuse of a busy schedule. Make time. Make even certain days, hours—during the week and on weekends, when you avail yourselves as parents to your children. Every day set a time when you check in with your child, how are they feeling, what is happening in their lives. Take time in Nature. Plant a family garden. Ask them their opinions and feelings on what is happening in the world. Let them know that you are there for them and that your door is always open. No judgment.


How to face the Social Media giant? This is a dilemma in all countries with children susceptible to the lure of popularity and the hard tests of acceptance and rejection. Somehow help them to see social media as a place where positive communication and networking can take place. Yet, simultaneously, it is a place that can create artificial reality.

Try to balance the two planes and teach your children the value of human communication one-on-one and the joys of creating art, music, writing and dance. Add the inner strengthening practices of yoga, Agnihotra & meditation.

Be present and listen.
Your willingness to witness your children’s lives unfolding will provide them with a sense of love and balance in life. It can provide a much-needed Light in these challenging times.

'Yoga and Meditation for Children' book, which I wrote in 1984, includes stories, teachings of Fivefold Path, songs, yoga poses and simple meditation easy for children, especially ages 7-12 years. Available online:
In U.S. (English); https://agnihotrasupplies.com/collections/books-and-recordings
In Europe: In English & Polish https://agnihotra.pl/en/books/

"Love is not written on paper, for paper can be erased. Nor is it etched in stone for stone can be broken. But is is inscribed on a Heart and there it shall remain forever."

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By Lee Ringma

   Here we attempt to address a very delicate subject – the practices of the dairy industry and how one can justify utilising cow’s ghee in Homa Therapy.

Homa Therapy is part and parcel of a new way of life for the planet, a life based in Truth, peace, oneness, Love and harmlessness; all that is in alignment with the universal principles that produce true wellbeing - the catch cry of the New Age.

Homa Therapy is ancient knowledge from the Vedas. Vedas teaches ‘ahimsa’ (harmlessness to all living beings) in thought, word and deed. Vedas holds the cow in high esteem. It tells us that cow dung is the only dung on the planet that is antiseptic and medicinal. Cow dung and cow’s ghee are non-negotiable components of Agnihotra that render Agnihotra effective. Vedas also tells us that the consciousness of the cow is Devic (angelic). The cow dung and cow’s ghee that go into the Homas therefore are not only purifying and imbuing the atmosphere with fragrance and nutrition but are also uplifting the atmosphere.

Rudolph Steiner preceptor of Biodynamics has written that the cow is the only animal whose vibration is a perfect integration of the 12 constellational forces that bear down upon the planet for the sake of evolution.

The Vedas makes a statement that cow’s ghee is a conductor of pure consciousness. It does not describe coconut oil or any other oils as such, for example. In Ayurveda, a key component of the healing process of Pancha Karma, is a gradual saturation of the body inside and out with medicated ghee. Ghee conducts the medicinal substances into the tissues and organs. Shree Vasant, preceptor of Homa Therapy, states that ghee transports the healing properties of Agnihotra ash to areas of the body where it is needed.

This implies that ghee acts in accordance with natural intelligence. Similarly, the ghee in Agnihotra process is acting accordingly on the environment; Carried by the smoke pervading the atmosphere during Agnihotra, the minute particles of ghee transport the Prana, subtle energies and micro-nutrients.

 These life-giving properties are then transported into the tissues of the plants, and all biological organisms in the vicinity, including us, the atmosphere, the water bodies, the soil. Thus, one could say Agnihotra and Homa Therapy can be likened to Ayurvedic treatment of the environment.

In Vedic societies cows and humans live in harmony in a symbiotic relationship. People lovingly look after the cows’ needs with healthy pasture, a reliable water source and hand- feed if needed.

In turn the cow provides us with cow dung and cow urine as organic fertilizer and anti-fungicide respectively, as well as nutritious milk when lactating. The mother cow produces enough milk to feed 2-3 calves. Normally it gives birth to one and the overflow is shared with us.


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AGNIHOTRA and VEGANISM - continued
 By Lee Ringma

Of course, today’s society is largely non-vegetarian and thus the majority of humanity do not practice non-violence or harmlessness to all living beings. Sadly, a common practice in the dairy industry in general is to cull calves in order to preserve the bulk of the milk for selling on.

How does one reconcile utilizing ghee from the dairy industry for Homa Therapy? Firstly, Vedas does not promote a lifestyle of exploitation. It promotes harmlessness to all living creatures. It is the current society that is exploiting the cow. However, when we perform Agnihotra it brings about a transformation in consciousness and the energy of the cow, i.e., the Devic energy that pervades its dung and ghee, which is seeded into the atmosphere through the process of Agnihotra, plays an important part in bringing about this purification of consciousness. This shift eventually leads to a transformation in human consciousness in the direction of total love where harmlessness (Ahimsa) to all living beings becomes natural. Agnihotris all over the world attest to this shift in consciousness through regular Agnihotra practice over time, finding themselves naturally more attuned and respectful of nature, more centred and in touch with their intuitive knowing, more loving and at peace. It is also a general experience of many that after doing Agnihotra for a while, they find themselves drifting towards ahimsa, i.e., naturally move towards vegetarianism.

Also consider the powerful nature of Agnihotra. It works with the very forces of creation itself, Prana, - that which gives life. It is likened to an atomic explosion only on a positive, life-giving level; so powerful it has been shown to neutralise radioactivity. Shree Vasant once said that when one performs Agnihotra correctly, with the correct ingredients, correct size and shape copper pyramid, correct timing to the second, etc., that one Agnihotra produces enough energy in the atmosphere, that if we could harness it, could light an entire city the size of Sydney.
Considering its power, it behooves us to respect the Vedic stipulation of correct performance. Agnihotra is seeding the atmosphere with heightened vibration, nutrition and life-force. That which is sent out from the broadcaster- the inverted copper pyramid- is directly related to the ingredients and they are magnified a many-fold. One does not want to mess with such power by using one’s mind to make changes to this ancient life-giving Knowledge. Indeed, Shree Vasant has stated that making changes can actually have a detrimental effect on the environment.

As Homa Therapy Centres, we are working towards creating the ideal situation, i.e., to have our own dairies or to work with dairies wherein ghee is produced under ahimsa conditions. When it is not yet possible to source ahimsa ghee, still it is crucial to maintain Agnihotra for the healing of Nature and the upliftment of consciousness. Until then we continue to utilise ghee from the dairy industry with the understanding that doing Agnihotra properly, with cow’s ghee, gives extraordinary benefits that far outweigh the detriments; in the sense that benefits to a severely ‘compromised’ planetary atmosphere accrue to such a large extent that the fires end up helping all. In fact, Agnihotra treats the core of the problem by purifying the inner and outer environment and uplifting humanity to the loving condition of Ahimsa, respecting all living beings.

Lee and her husband, Frits, care lovingly for their animals at the Om Shree Dham Homa Farm in NSW, Australia.
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SOAP RECIPE with used cooking oil and
Agnihotra ash to WASH DISHES and CLOTHES

By Diana Marcela Molano Vega
Woman alive and free


This recipe is passed from generation to generation, especially in Spain. It requires that you have some protection measures since while preparing the mixture we will use CAUSTIC SODA (also known as Lye or as Sodium Hydroxide), so the first thing is to have:
Gloves, mask and protective glasses, pants and long-sleeved shirt to avoid irritation or burning from contact of the skin or mucous membranes with any soda splash.
In case of contact, apply vinegar to the area to neutralize the alkalinity of the soda.
Please, it is important to watch this video as a visual guide to make this soap:

With this recipe, we recycle the used oil in the kitchen and mitigate the pollution that is generated by depositing it on the soil, in the water or by mixing it with other waste.

This soap goes through a cold saponification process and this means that only after 40 days of maturation, you can use it without any problem!



- 2 liters of water, preferably distilled.
- 2 liters of used vegetable oil (olive, sunflower, canola, palm, etc.) from cooking
- 246 grams of caustic soda at 98% purity (this is available in stores where they sell chemicals or in large supermarkets)
- 2 and a half tablespoons of Agnihotra Ash
- 1 and a half tablespoon of Bicarbonate
Have on hand: a wooden spoon, a plastic container, an electric mixer, a scale to weigh the caustic soda, and if you have, a kitchen thermometer.



Step 1
Strain the used oil with the help of a strainer to remove all impurities and remains. Once strained, reserve the oil for later use.

Step 2

Weigh the caustic soda exactly.
Pour the 2 liters of water into the plastic container.

In a ventilated place, having all the safety elements and with great care, add the caustic soda to the water, never the other way round.


Stir with the help of the wooden spoon until completely dissolved. The mixture should be transparent.
In this process toxic gases are released. For this reason, try not to breathe deeply. The mixture will be rising in temperature, but this is normal. Therefore, it is essential to stir slowly to avoid possible splashes which might result in burns. If you have a thermometer, check that it reaches 40 degrees Celsius.
Also heat your oil to that temperature; this will help to integrate these two liquids better (this measuring the temperature is optional) with both (oil and water with caustic soda) being at room temperature is enough.

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SOAP RECIPE - continued
With used cooking oil and Agnihotra ash

Step 4
Now, it is time to add the vegetable oil, slowly and start beating in one direction. Then you can also add Agnihotra ash, sodium bicarbonate, a natural colorant or any other element you want to enrich the natural soap with, such as lemon or orange essence, etc. Stir with the mixer for at least 20 minutes until you get a homogeneous and thick mixture that you can transfer to the molds.

Pour the mixture into one or more molds, depending on the format you want for your soap. You can use anything from a silicone mold, coconut shell, milk box, to a plastic-lined cardboard box.
Now is the time when you can remove your gloves and the other protection.

Wait a couple days until it solidifies completely. Then, you can remove it from the mold and cut it into pieces, the sizes you wish.

Thus, the soap hardens completely and the process is completed successfully. Let the already cut soap rest for at least a month. Only after this time, you have your soap ready for use!

Uses for this soap:
You can use this soap made with recycled oil to wash clothes, dishes and also the floor, etc. It works great as a stain remover! You can transform it into liquid soap by grating it into a pot with water and heating it until it melts. This you can apply for the washing machine, the dish washer, to wash your car, floors, windows, etc. You can also prepare an excellent ecological repellent, melting some soap in water until it becomes soapy and with this you can treat your plants.

The elaboration of soaps with used kitchen oil is a wonderful way to take care of the environment and also an extraordinary hobby. Start with this simple recipe and gradually add other ingredients to enrich your soap.

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Bhargava Dham Foundation

The year 2023 started with many important transformations for Bhargava Dham.

The Bhargava Dham Foundation is now officially formalized and already has its legal personality, being, therefore, able to develop projects, receive volunteers and receive donations that allow it to carry out the mission of creating a place prepared to share the teachings and practices of Homa Therapy, the Fivefold Path and Homa Ecological Agriculture.

Those who want to participate as volunteers will be very welcome to help in various areas, mainly in the field, with Homa Organic Agriculture. Much help is needed!

To those who want to support with donations, any contribution is very welcome. For Chileans, contributions can be made to the current account of the Bhargava Dham Foundation at Banco Del Estado. A Bhargava Dham Partners Campaign is being launched where a certain value can be contributed monthly, and the contributing person becomes part of the Foundation as a Bhargava Dham Partner. There are four basic categories:

Amigo Plan: 5.000 Chilean pesos per month or 7 dollars;
Star Plan: 10.000 Chilean pesos per month or 14 dollars;
Golden Plan: 20.000 Chilean pesos per month or 25 dollars;
Premium Plan: 50.000 Chilean pesos per month or 39 dollars.

Bhargava Dham is for everyone, and we are all part of this beautiful work!
Please visit the website and learn how to participate and support. https://bhargavadhamchile.wixsite.com/bhargavadham
All collaboration is appreciated. Let's make the work developed in Bhargava Dham our contribution for future generations, as a positive example to the planet.

Bhargava Dham Foundation: RUT 65.209.243-8
Sight Account: 23572231828 Bank of the State of Chile.
E- mail: fundación.bhargavadham@gmail.com
Whatsapp: +56 9 9983 7681 (Milena – treasurer)


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Bhargava Dham Foundation INVITES:

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Bhargava Dham Foundation INVITES:

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The ‘Madre Selva’ Homa Ecovillage Foundation, is a private non-profit institution, founded in 2012 by Mike Billian and Lily La Torre. It is located one hour from the city of Pucallpa, capital of Ucayali, Peru. These are 20 hectares in the heart of the Peruvian Amazon, with forest areas with trees over 50 years old, but also with areas degraded by deforestation caused by previous owners, which are currently in the process of recovery.
Madre Selva is a space for teaching and learning alternative healing techniques for the environment, the earth, and all living beings. We mainly use the Vedic practice of Homa Therapy. From this ancestral wisdom, the healing Agnihotra fire is practiced daily and together with its ashes, is the nurturing base for Homa organic farming.
We maintain plots with cocoa and turmeric production and honey apiaries. Restoration models for degraded ecosystems, soil recovery with organic fertilizers, ecosystem conservation, and habitats of species of great ecological importance such as pollinators are being developed.

We require people with specific skills in: Agriculture, gardening, landscaping, carpentry, bio-construction, for English translations, vegetarian cooking, experience in social networks and website, etc.

Volunteers are expected to have great personal ethics, speak basic Spanish, have a minimum stay of four weeks, and responsibly to fulfill the tasks assumed.
Alcohol, drugs, or practices that offend the integrity of people and the environment are not accepted.

We offer: A warm atmosphere of fellowship, lodging, vegetarian food and internet. We are very happy if you bring musical instruments and good movies to share.

 Agnihotris interested in more information can write to Lily La Torre’s e-mail: lilylatorrel@yahoo.es

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By Barry Rathner, Clinical Psychologist



"I’m Sitting On Top of the World," is a popular, 90 year old song from USA.

When our lives are going so, so well, with little disharmony, much good health, and good wealth, we could very well feel as if we were ‘sitting on top of the world.’ If, however, things may not be as they appear, let’s look at this.

When one has not been successful treating a serious disease using conventional, allopathic, often western, medical practices, frequently people turn to alternative healing modalities seeking relief and healing. It might be said that such situations are like ‘hitting bottom,’ where we feel that we can’t go any lower. It could be physically, mentally, spiritually, even financially.

In addiction circles, this concept is widely used as until addicts’ lives have fallen so low and found to be destructive-to self and others--it is unlikely the desire to become clean and sober will occur.

Many turn to a spiritual path when their lives become extremely difficult. If things are going so wrong on the outside, going inside for insight, peace and solace may be just what the doctor ordered.

Some of us may have turned to Agnihotra when our lives had become extremely difficult. ‘Hitting bottom' often serves as an impetus to change. The change may have a better chance of succeeding because returning to the ‘bottom’ is too scary and painful.

So as alluring as ‘sitting on top of the world’

may be, sitting at the bottom of the world may indeed carry with it greater opportunities. So let us look beyond the trees and see the forest. Let us not lose the moon while counting the stars.

Let us take to heart the dictum that things are not always as they seem. Let us try—try hard—to be grateful even for misfortune in our lives because on the other side may lie transformation, self-development and lasting joy.

This attitude is more than ‘making lemonade out of lemons,’ i.e., making the best out of a temporary, challenging situation. It is a makeover of mindset, often ripping up of the dross of our lives and replacing it with good thoughts, good words, and good deeds…always! It is training the mind to react with Love under all circumstances—not some of the time, not occasionally, not just on weekends or holidays—all the time.

Just as truth can be told in a palatable manner, so can the makeover be done with care, affection and perspective. ‘Tough Love?’ Perhaps. But surely, we can agree that any kind of love is preferable to none at all. So, if it’s tough—difficult—so be it. Idam na mama—not my will but Divine will be done.

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Self-sabotage, supposedly part of all of our archetypes, may be considered unfortunate or just part of our human experience. The ‘lemons' may be the push that pain can provide to help us become better.

So maybe I am self-sabotaging my old or current damaged self in favor of creating a better version. Old roads are destroyed before better ones take their place. Old buildings are demolished as precursors of better construction.

So, if I must sacrifice some parts of myself in order to become better and happier and a better servant of the Divine—if that is on my wish list—so be it—especially if it is Divine will.

Might Faith be a necessary, invaluable tool during these transformative periods? Indeed.
Need we trust that the universe has our best interests at hand—especially if we ‘get with the program?’
In essence, we may be trusting ourselves even despite our bad track records in the past.

Once the realization dawns that “People won’t change until the pain of not changing is greater than the pain changing brings,” (Just B. Jordan),

healing and transformation are on your doorstep.

Or understanding and feeling that, “Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong”  (Mandy Hale), are a blessing.

Pain and misfortune may be temporary arrows aimed in our direction. Besides the possibility the arrows may change course, is the distinct chance Divine intervention may manifest. Some call this Grace.


For further information, please see: www.homapsychotherapy.com
To contact Dr. Barry, please write to the e-mail:  www.drbarryrathner.com 

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By Jimena S. Clarke - Cid Clavero

It is with great joy that we begin this series of writings related to the topic of women.
The idea of this series is to learn and share simple tools and resources that can help us, and of course highlight how the practice of Agnihotra and Homa Therapy can empower us as women and make our task and contribution to our society even more relevant.
However, for me, it is paramount that we reinforce our awareness of the role we play in our society and accept that it is of fundamental importance in the present and the future, if we want to survive in harmony, equality, equity, peace and respect.
We must not forget that we are the ones who beget humanity, and therefore, the drivers of change.

I am Jimena Sol, woman, daughter, wife, mother, grandmother, teacher of Spanish Language and Literature and certified Homa therapist.
46 years ago, I had the privilege to meet for the first time with Shree Vasant Paranjpe during his first visit to Chile, from whom I learned Agnihotra and Homa Therapy. After living in England for 30 years, I returned to Chile 8 years ago to live in Cochiguaz, Valle de Elqui.

Today, I want to write about WOMEN'S CIRCLES.
This is an ancient practice that was considered sacred. Vestiges of Circles not only of women have been discovered, obtaining evidence that as early as 300,000 years ago, in the Middle Paleolithic societies, spiritual meetings of ritual character were already being held, although little is known about the character and complexity of these meetings. Strong evidence has been found that in the Upper Paleolithic age (more than 30,000 years ago, long before modern mankind), communities gathered for spiritual and healing experiences. In the beginning, the Circle did not exist exclusively for women; we must remember that societies were egalitarian in the early stages of humanity. However, it should be noted that the importance of women and their valuable performance in the circle has slowly declined during the last millennium of patriarchal preponderance throughout the planet.

In 2020 and in the middle of the pandemic, Margi Arana, Peruvian Agnihotra practitioner, and I decided to organize an international circle of women of fire, via zoom. At first, we thought we would invite only women who practice Agnihotra, but then we realized that this was limiting and

we opened the circle to any woman who was in need of support.  Some of them, who did not practise Agnihotra, learned this extraordinary tool of fire...

 ("Women around the fire".
Artist: Hem Jyotika

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By Jimena S. Clarke - Cid Clavero

It was quite a challenge, but the experience was very enriching for both Margi and I, and for the women who participated, all of us being from different Spanish-speaking countries. Even today, though the circle has finished its cycle, we still communicate regularly, wherever we are, giving each other support, practising the fires and praying for those in need. In short, we are still sustaining each other in these times which are at once extremely challenging but also full of GRACE.

The same principle can be applied to a circle of women: to constitute a circle and be a safe place its boundary must be intact. This boundary is the circle's ability to preserve its contents, for it is essential that trust exists in the circle."  (Bolen, 2004:)

Promoting this type of meeting between women is an antidote to the unfortunate idea that has been ingrained in our minds: the other woman in front of you is your enemy, your competition and so on.

Women's circles are a space in which to heal and where we can develop together the inner strength we need to survive in the midst of chaos. And while it is true that the pandemic forced us to suspend this type of meeting, it also gave us the possibility to create other avenues, such as online women's circles. And although it is true that this has forced us to develop other types of "cyber senses", they have not been less valuable than the meetings held in person.
There are different types and modalities of circles, and no one specific avenue is better than another, and neither is there only one path to follow.

Until next time!

Jean Bolen, an American psychiatrist who promotes women's circles as a tool for change,
describes the circle as follows: "A circle is a figure contained in a seamless circumference and is symbolic of wholeness. What defines a circle is the edge, the line that delimits it; when it is broken, it is no longer a circle.

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 “Balance - Vision - Hope and Joy”

Mandala shared by Parvati (Fran) Rosen-Bizberg.  © 2022
All Mandalas are copyright by Parvati (Fran) Rosen-Bizberg.
Healing Mandalas, prints and t-shirts of original art are available in the website shop www.agnihotra.pl )

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Shree Vasant about Fear

(Message received in a personal healing via Parvati on 4th of July, 2022)

Fear is the biggest obstacle for inner peace. Yet, people go on entertaining fear, even treating fear as an honoured guest. One serves fear whatever it asks for. If fear is asking for time, precious time, one stops what one is doing to spend precious time with fear.

Energy. Fear requires energy to feed it. So, one provides fear with all one’s energy, often leaving none left for more wholesome pursuits.

Then, one begins to feel uncomfortable. Fear is never comfortable. So, the breath becomes shorter, more constrained. One becomes nervous and has increased difficulty in achieving meditation, much less peace of mind.

Then, during more quiet periods—however lengthy or brief—one begins to develop a fear or apprehension of fear itself. Fear of fear. And there is no end to it.

Climate on the world’s stage currently provides no end to worrisome situations that feed fear in general. So much more anxiety now exists.

However, you have been given the blessing of Agnihotra, of Yajnya, of Fivefold Path and Grace of Almighty Father. So, your ‘tool kit’ is full. And these tools work wherever you are, like a universal tool kit.

What is required now is some simple mind training on your part.

When fear comes calling, knocking loudly at the door or very quietly tapping on the window—once you see who is there and can identify it as FEAR, you do not have to answer this call. And most certainly, you do not have to analyze it. It will not go away by effort of the intellect.

One comes to know one’s inner strength and power to make conscious decisions. Taking into account one’s own feelings, one’s intuition and lastly, a little logic thrown in for good measure.

If you open the door and allow fear to come in, that fear will just go on multiplying the more attention you give it. “I am afraid of not being good enough.”
Then, do the very thing you are afraid to do. Step by step.

“I am afraid of love and really getting to know people.” Love anyway. Make it your purpose to express that love. So many need that now. To withhold love for fear of getting hurt or disappointed, leaves you feeling empty and disconnected. Reach out to nurture and love others.

All those old fears have to go. It is time to release them one by one, consciously, actively. Do that now.

Practice of Tryambakam Yajnya is a good avenue for releasing self-doubt, anxiety and fear.

Always know that, in the Eyes of Parama Sadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj, you are always good enough. If He sees you as such, then why cannot you see yourself with His Eyes? Look through His Eyes and those monumental blockages will become smaller and smaller, until they are finally dissolved.

Walk in Light.
With all Grace.

All love and blessings.

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Received through Parvati Bizberg, Poland

January 12, 2023, Orion on Truth
Yes, yes. The unfolding of Truth is occurring now, even in those who have long been in denial of it. This is the era of Truth. Of course, as you know, the truth can be told in a palatable manner—and thus, will reach its goal. One who holds the truth within has a righteous duty to impart that truth whenever possible. However, there are various ways to impart truth.

One is through the avenue of speech. If truth is to be told via speech, one must choose carefully not only the words themselves but the timing of delivery and the recipient of such delivery.

Another way to impart the Truth can be through the written word, again with caution and clarity. As well, truth can be imparted via sound, music, poetry or via any avenue of the creative arts.

Many great beings whose very presence is said to be inspiring—even enlightening to some—choose the way of no words, no material delivery. Instead they choose simply to live the Truth and affect the masses by the way they conduct their lives, the way they walk through life, the way they carry themselves and how they treat those around them. We would say that this is of all, the highest way to impart truth in a world so devoid of such.
When one chooses to walk the path of Truth, their silence speaks louder and clearer than any words could speak. One learns simply by breathing the same rarified air as this human being who walks with Divine.
Still, when one has the opportunity to impart wisdom one has received, do so in a quiet manner without expectation, without pride or awareness of one’s own greatness. Always defer to Almighty when receiving accolades for your truth telling. Receive and give in the same manner. Thus, one incurs the blessing of GRACE.
On Current State of the World
Concerning the current state of the world, we have already forewarned you, all of you, of the inception of these darker times. This is not a sudden, unexpected development in the history of humanity! All signs

pointed to this. However, many were not prepared to hear nor willing to see the signs before them. Perhaps they were too engaged in the enjoyment of life’s riches or engrossed in their pursuit for fame or wealth, fun or prideful successes, and these warnings came more as an unwanted interruption of their daily dramas unfolding.

Those who listened have prepared for these times. Those who did not will be caught in the crisis.
Still others chose to steep themselves in conspiracy theories, lost in the incessant chatter over cause and effect, choosing whom to blame rather than how to extricate themselves from the mud.
The answers do not lie nor have they ever lain in the political realm. Those of you who choose to go that route, in an attempt to resolve the conflicts of the world, will come to realize there is no end to the mental meandering which can result in nothing but more of the same—like a rat in a maze. Such is the political realm. Indeed.
On Listening to the Earth and Living in Harmony
Do create safe zones, places of Light, where all life is respected as sacred, where humans and animals live in harmony.
Endeavour to become more self-sufficient.
Grow your own food and develop a network of others who can exchange seeds and products, when possible.
Learn to walk lightly upon the Earth.
Listen to the trees.
Listen to the birds.
Listen to the Earth as she calls you to Her.

These are deeply troubling, chaotic times. These are times which divide families and tear at one’s deepest roots. However, these are also the times of the great return.

Listen. Listen. Listen.

The calling is in the wind.
Listen. Listen. Listen.

Blessings be upon you all.
We are,

More info: www.oriontransmissions.com

Thanks for Sharing the "Good News" with this HomaHealth Newsletter!

For more news about Homa Therapy you can see the magazine 'Satsang'.

Other official web sites on Homa Therapy:

www.terapiahoma.com    www.homa1.com   www.homatherapy.info
www.agnihotra.org     www.homatherapie.de      www.homatherapy.de
 www.homatherapyindia.com     www.homatherapy.org
www.ecovillagepoland.org   www.homapsychotherapy.com   www.agnihotra.com.au  
www.terapiahoma.org    www.homaspain.com 

Click here to see or print previous HOMA HEALTH Newsletters

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