13th May


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Spiritual Masters Parama Sadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj and Shree Vasant

A high Master, SADGURU, takes control of your inner mind and plants the seed of knowledge. SADGURU is Love Incarnate. You have to approach such a one in a spirit of total surrender.
How to find such a great one?
Follow the Fivefold Path and automatically a link will come to you.
When you are ready, the Master appears and guides you towards the goal. GURU shows the way. The SADGURU catches hold of your hand and guides him towards the goal. He connects him with the "unstruck music" (ANAHAT) of the universe.
Your journey on the Divine Path is made facile. To ponder over this is Swadhyaya

(continued on next page)

Most people recognize that thanks to the teachers, we learn to read, to understand and to apply certain knowledge that helps us to develop materially, economically, socially, professionally, intellectually, artistically, philosophically, etc.
History tells us about great men who have contributed to scientific, technological, cultural, and artistic advances, etc. Today, developed countries and some developing countries emphasize the importance of education of their main resource:
“The Human Resource”.

However, conventional education is mainly aimed at improving physical and mental faculties. Some countries also promote art and others dogmatic religion. But very few pay attentions to the Spiritual Field and the Cultivation of Virtues.

But what is a Spiritual Master?
To answer this question, we will take an excerpt from the book “Light Towards the Divine Path”
by Master Shree Vasant:

"Knowledge is of two kinds. The lower knowledge includes all the scriptures, the Vedas and other sciences.
Higher knowledge can never be transmitted verbally or through the written word.

Your comments, questions, suggestions & experiences are welcome! To subscribe to the HomaHealth Newsletter,
 please write to Abel Hernández & Aleta Macan: terapiahoma@yahoo.com  Thank you!


May 17th
Birthday of Parama Sadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj of Akkalkot, India

(Message given on July 1975; taken from the book "Biography of SON OF MAN")

Showers of Love to all,
Oh seekers of
Eternal Truth,
Oh travelers of
Divine Path.
Grace of
Almighty Father,
which is in Heaven,
always be with you.
Kingdom of Heaven
is nearing now.
Om Tat Sat.

Editor's Note continued:

On this month of May, we remember and celebrate the Birthday of the Spiritual Masters:
Shree Vasant Paranjpe and Parama Sadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj.


His Master was  LORD PARASHURAM (sixth Avatar).
Shree Gajanan was born on May 17, 1918 in Kharagpur, India.
His parents were Laxman and Sonamata Rajimwale.
* He took the oath to Restore the Vedas.
* He was the Master of Shree Vasant Paranjpe
* He revealed to us the Fivefold Path (F.P.)

But, what are the Vedas?
It is the oldest collection of Wisdom of humanity.
It is the manual that shows us how to live in harmony with the environment and with oneself in the exalted human form.

Who was Master Shree Vasant Paranjpe?
He was born on May 13, 1921 in Pune, India. His mother was Rakhma and his father was Vithal.
He was the main exponent and promoter of the Fivefold Path and Homa Therapy worldwide.

What is the Fivefold Path?
It is a synthesis of 5 parts: Yajnya, Daana, Tapa, Karma, and Swadhyaya.
Through the practices of the Fivefold Path, we can
Fill All the Spheres with Unconditional Love.

He brought us the Fivefold Path to:
1. Realize our Divine origin and Universal Brotherhood.
2. Return Home consciously.
3. Heal the Atmosphere and Make the here and now a Heaven.

Long Live the Fivefold Path
Vivan Yajnya, Daan, Tapa, Karma, Swadhyaya
Long live Shree Gajanan Maharaj and Shree Vasant


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13th May 2021 is the 100th Birth Anniversary of Shree Vasant.

Sarvajit Paranjpe, Shree's grandson wrote:

13th May 2021 is the 100th Birth Anniversary of Shree Vasant. Shree Vasant was one of the disciples of Parama Sadguru Shree Maharaj who was commanded to share the message of Fivefold Path and Agnihotra. Message was simple, “Heal the atmosphere, and the healed atmosphere will heal you.”

Many people all over the world perform daily disciplines recommended by Him; the performance of Agnihotra and various healing Yajnyas. He promoted Environmental Sustainability and Self-Sustainability. He revealed to us the path to love and caring for Nature.

Always, Shree Vasant encouraged people to live in higher pursuits, which enlightened their lives.
His words were always of hope, encouragement, and upliftment. Shree Vasant had wonderful kindness and intense sympathy towards all.

To see the online Celebration and the short video clip on HIS life, please see:

13th May 2021 Shree Vasant on birthday
(Received through Parvati)

Our message is simple. In present conditions in the world today, one must be steady in one’s practice. One must be true to one’s path in life. There is no time to lose, no time for sitting on the fence.

Walk in Light. Leave all fears behind you and stay clearly focused on the Light.

Light these fires throughout the world. One flame lights the next, until all around the globe there are fires of love everywhere.

From flame to flame, it is all GRACE OF ALMIGHTY.

Agnihotra should go to all people, high and low, rich and poor, of all races, religions and creeds.

As Parama Sadguru Shree Gajanan Maharaj has told:


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Sara Bustamante Muñoz
Playas de Vinces, Ecuador, South America

   I am going to tell you something very beautiful and wonderful about Homa Therapy. I have a grandson, Dilan, who is now 3 years old. When he was born up to one month, he was a normal baby. But from the second month onward, he began to show yellow skin and his stool was white. So, we took him to the doctor and all the tests were done and, in the end, the diagnosis was biliary atrophy. They said the child was born that way with dry bile ducts, dry gallbladder and dry ducts. Then, the baby entered for treatment to the Roberto Gilbert Children's Hospital in Guayaquil. There they performed the first operation. But unfortunately, this first operation did not solve the problem. So, the doctors said that he needs a liver transplant. But in Ecuador these transplants are not done for babies, only for adults.

   Then 7 months passed and through a foundation my son and his wife and their baby went to Spain. There they treated Dilan at the La Paz hospital in Madrid and kept preparing him for the transplant. The child was 7 months old when he came to Spain. When he was a year and a half, they did the operation, the transplant. That was in October 2020. There they made the first intervention of the liver transplant. It was 14 hours of surgery. His mother was the donor. She was operated at another hospital and the liver part to transplant was brought in with a helicopter. And apparently all turned out well.
  However, after 15 days, the doctors realized that the transplant did not work. The bile ducts had detached and so they did another operation, the second intervention. This operation lasted 7 hours.
After 15 days, the child again presented white stools. So, the plan was to operate little Dilan again. Another intervention was planned in 15 to 20 days.
   Then, Dilan already being in the room, in preparation for the third surgery, the doctors did some studies and found that the bile ducts had surprisingly joined again. The doctors then called my son and his wife and said:
“We almost opened him up, but then we saw that the ducts are fine and this is truly a miracle. We don't have to operate your son.”

And what happened is the night before the third surgery, I, being in Ecuador, was praying to God in front of the Agnihotra Fire, hoping Dilan would not need to go through another surgery. Then, at dawn, my son called me crying and said: ”I am so happy, my son no longer needs surgery. The doctors say it is a miracle.”
For me this is the Grace of the Homa Fires that I have been doing for 15 years. I have seen how people heal themselves with prayers in front of the Homa Fire. That was the work of Homa Therapy and God.
(Photos: Mrs. Sara Bustamante in front of the Agnihotra healing fire; below: her grandson Dilan with his parents during difficult times and now recovering with great strides, joyfully.

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Maria Bima, Calamuchita, Córdoba, Argentina, South America
Experimenting with Homa Fires

I have been practicing the Homa fires for several years. I started when the Fukushima disaster happened. I wanted to do something for the planet and for humanity and Homa Therapy can do this in addition to giving me a lot of personal benefits. I really like to share Homa Therapy with other people either in my space or when I go to visit other people. I also participate in the Tryambakam Homa group on new and full moons.

In the past there were times when my practice was not constant. Since last year, for the reasons of public knowledge, I intensified the practice as a way of deeper connection with the Totality, with the Infinite Wisdom and in support of the Divine Light. Humanity and the Planet need all these positive actions of us, the common people.

    I am using Agnihotra ash for enhancing the production of healthy food. So, I am developing some comparative experiments. I had read in the Homa Newsletters about other people's experiences in other places and wanted to see for myself such wonderful results. This comparison made me see the wonders with my own eyes and I can show it to other people. I wish it will inspire others to practice.
Then, by transferring those seeds to the ground, after a few days, the development of the plants was obviously greater. I only watered them with Agnihotra ash water and let them rest for 3 days in order to charge. Also, I did the experiment with bean seeds and the result was remarkable.
Now, I am watering everything with Agnihotra ash water!!!!!
I will continue now much more after seeing these strong results, visible to anyone .

Photo above:
Seeds to the left of the photo without Homa
Seeds on the right with Homa
Photo to the right: Sprouting shoots on the left side of the photo without Homa
Sprouting shoots on the right with Homa

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cont. Maria Bima - Experiences with HOMA

   I have started here a small Retreat Center in the midst of Nature, called Four Elements, where we practice Rebirthing, Harmonization with the Four Elements, Food Consciousness, and Extra Ocular Vision.
I am also building an edible forest with Permaculture guidelines.

I regularly organize Permaculture,

        Conscious Eating, Rebirthing, and I always mention Homa Therapy and practice it with the groups. People remark how pleasant the Fire experience is. Also, I have held some meetings to disseminate Homa Therapy. (Photo above enjoying group Agnihotra.)
         I use the Homa fires in my rebirthing sessions. People who take the sessions like it and feel better. Rebirthing uses mindful, connected breathing. Doing this in a smoky environment is usually unhealthy - unless that smoke comes from Homa Therapy. What they tell me is that if they came with sadness or depression, after the session they no longer feel it. Even people with asthma feel much better in the smoke from the Homa healing fires.

10 years ago, when I started the practice of Agnihotra, I gave Agnihotra ash to my friend Sandra. I told her about my experiments, she reminded me of what had happened to her trees. I had already forgotten. She still has it on her mind and in her garden and I asked her to share this story with us:

Sandra Hejman from Buenos Aires shares:
 I gave Agnihotra ash to one of the two plants when they started to grow. The one with the Agnihotra ash, immediately formed a stem much stronger and bigger. And that difference continues till today. The other one, which did not get the Agnihotra ash, even after so many years, never became as strong as the one with Agnihotra ash. I can compare them well, because they were both from the same time.
The one with Agnihotra ash has this big trunk that it had from the beginning and the other one without Agnihotra ash, after all these years, never reached that size. I only gave once the Agnihotra ash in the beginning to the plant. After 10 years, this difference remains, even though I never again put Agnihotra ash.
The tree plant that received the Agnihotra ash, reached this size in a very short time, while the other, that did not receive the Agnihotra ash, took years in growing.

The tree that did NOT receive the
 Agnihotra ash is the witness.

This is the tree, which received ONCE  Agnihotra ash at the time it was a small plant.

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To Mother Earth,
Thank you.
To the water of life,
Thank you.
To the precious air
Thank you.
To the holy fire, thank you.
To the minerals,
Thank you.
To the plants,
Thank you.
To the animals,
Thank you.


Love is the answer.
The question is irrelevant 
- Jeff Foster


Native American Wisdom

Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.

Allow these wise proverbs to calm your spirit.

To see the video clip, please enter following link:


Planetary Changes - April 2021: Extreme weather, planetary upheaval and meteors

SOTT summery (Signs Of The TIMES)
Nature's Reaction.


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Through the tireless work and Grace of the Masters Shree Gajanan Maharaj and Shree Vasant,  we have the Blessed Homa Fires, which are healing, purifying, awakening, helping, uplifting, illuminating, brightening, encouraging, comforting, nurturing, transforming, ... the whole world.

United in Love and Gratitude, in Devotion and Surrender!

Photo on the right:
The first photo that came from the 7 days of Tryambakam Homa is from LA PAZ, Bolivia and we can see it as a symbol of continuing to Walk in LIGHT, with JOY and PEACE (PAZ in Spanish)

Thanks to all the Agnihotris worldwide for Practicing the Healing Homa Fires ... and creating a Better World.

Photos of this and the following pages of the 7-days of uninterrupted Tryambakam Homa in the Americas and other countries.

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Thanking mother earth, her rivers and waters, her trees and forests, ...
Photos: All nature is nourished by the Homa Fires.

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In this Union of Healing and creating bridges of Light, Agnihotris from Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Argentina, Chile, Venezuela, Brazil, Costa Rica, Bolivia, Spain, Italy and from Miami and New York enrolled in the list. Every day around 100 people did the Tryambakam Homa and many, who were not registered, also joined this network of light.
Divine Grace in Operation!

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"Agnihotra should go to all people, high and low, rich and poor, of all races, religions and creeds."

Shree Vasant

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"Every day we turn our attention to the suffering, to the needy, to those who have no comfort, no homes."

Shree Vasant

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"The lesson is to deepen compassion for all human beings, animals and
living things upon this Earth."
Shree Vasant

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"Light these fires throughout the world. One flame lights the next, until all around the globe there are fires of love everywhere."

Shree Vasant

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Asia and Rory’s

Sage (Salvia officinalis)

and Rosemary
(Rosmarinus officinalis)

In this edition, we would like to share with you two popular, highly aromatic Mediterranean herbs -Sage and Rosemary. Although they are well known culinary herbs, they have also been used for thousands of years as medicine. All culinary herbs have greater medicinal properties when grown in a Homa atmosphere. If it’s not possible to get Homa grown herbs, then next best is to use quality organic herbs that have good colour and aroma.

Sage (Salvia officinalis)

Sage is a hardy plant that will survive freezing winter temperatures but likes well drained soil. It is an easy plant to grow in the garden or in pots. The texture of the Sage leaf resembles that of the tongue, and as if nature was trying to tell us, this herb is the traditional remedy for mouth and throat problems. Only the leaf is used to make remedies.

It can be taken as an infusion for mouth ulcers, sore throat, tonsillitis and bleeding gums, while a stronger infusion can be used as a gargle for throat infections. To make an infusion add 1-2 teaspoons of dried herb per cup of boiling water, add a pinch of Agnihotra Ash Powder, and let stand between 5-15 minutes. If using fresh herb then use 2-3 teaspoons per cup.

Sage infusions are beneficial to the liver and kidneys and are also recommended for weak digestion and general nervous and physical debility. So it is a great remedy to

take when recuperating from an illness like flu.

Infusions have been used by Type II diabetics to help boost insulin production and tests have shown it may lower blood sugar levels.

Because of its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, Sage poultices can be applied to cuts and bruises. Just crush a few leaves to release their juices, add a little Agnihotra Ash Powder, and hold over the skin with a bandage.

Sage has a long folk tradition of aiding memory and enhancing longevity. It is a wonderful herb then for students as well as seniors.

The Romans used to brush their teeth with frayed Sage sticks, and a strong Sage infusion is traditionally used as a rinse for dark hair to add lustre and strength.

Avoid using Sage during pregnancy, because it will reduce milk flow in lactating mothers.

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Asia and Rory’s

Sage (Salvia officinalis) and Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

Rosemary is a very aromatic shrub that likes to grow in a warm sheltered position in well drained soil. In cold temperate climates, you can grow Rosemary in a terracotta pot that can be buried in the ground for the warm months, and brought indoors for the winter. If grown permanently in a pot then do not over water and let the soil dry out between watering. Again, only the leaves are used to make remedies.

Rosemary infusions are stimulating and warming and have been used to improve circulation and can be helpful for those with low blood pressure.
It also improves digestion, aids the liver, and stimulates the gall bladder to produce bile. You can make an infusion in the same way as with Sage (1-2 teaspoons per cup of water).

An anti-inflammatory infused oil can be made with fresh Rosemary that can be applied to arthritic joints, gout and muscular injuries. You can find the recipe to make infused oils in the previous newsletter. Rosemary oil infusion can also be massaged over the chest to strengthen the heart.

Rosemary is high in antioxidants which helps strengthen the immune system. Tests have shown that drinking Rosemary infusions can improve memory and cognitive functions, while also uplifting the spirits, so it can be used for mild depression. Although Rosemary stimulates blood circulation, it has a calming effect on the nervous system and can be taken for anxiety and stress.

Rosemary infused apple cider vinegar used as a hair rinse makes an excellent conditioner. Rosemary oil has also shown to stimulate the scalp and can improve hair growth.

It’s best to drink Rosemary in moderation, maybe 1-2 cups per day for 2-week periods and then stop for a week.

Avoid drinking Rosemary if pregnant or lactating, and also avoid if you suffer from high blood pressure or epilepsy.

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By Barry Rathner, Clinical Psychologist

IT IS well-known in addiction circles that one does not ‘cure’ addiction. That may be why “one day at a time” (of sobriety) is perhaps the most famous of the 12-step Alcoholics Anonymous slogans.

Momentum of sobriety notwithstanding, what I do and what happens to me today, is mostly independent from what came before. Some say the time you wake up each day determines the beginning of your sobriety—not the days and weeks before.

It occurs to me that depression shares this characteristic—you don’t get cured of it once you have it or have that propensity. You merely learn how to control it and keep it from rearing its very ugly head.

That many addicts suffer from depression is of course connected. As well, being depressed, can lead to active addictive behaviour, sometimes under the guise of ‘self-medication.’

So if you find yourself afflicted by depression—as many are during the pandemic—it may be useful to be aware of tools at your disposal. It is also helpful to be aware of these tools beforehand, as once in the throes of depression, linear thinking often becomes strained.

In no particular order, here are some tools to alleviate symptoms of depression:
• writing
• proper exercise
• especially disciplined eating
• meditation
• Yajnya (in addition to Agnihotra)
• consideration and practice of the other 4 aspects of the Fivefold Path—Daan, Tapa, Karma, and Swadhyaya
For elaboration, insight into self (certainly an aspect of Swadhyaya, self-study, the fifth step of the Fivefold Path) can be enhanced through the vehicle of writing, journaling being a prime example. Trying to get oneself into a ‘going within’ mode might optimise the purpose of the process—to alleviate depression symptoms.

Exercise is not as easy as it sounds. Low energy is often experienced during depressive episodes, so pushing yourself to exercise aggressively may indeed be easier said than done. Because there are often physical aspects to the mental parts of depression, exercise serves the dual purpose of getting your mind off of yourself as well as doing all those things exercise are known to do— increased serotonin and other hormonal benefits, etc.

A very useful way of looking at depression is looking at it as your psyche sending a message to you that ‘same old, same old’ no longer works. Either some new protocols need to be added to your routine, or some existing ones may need to be lessened or eliminated.

When we say “especially disciplined eating,” this consciousness is an attempt to mediate the tendency of many to ‘drown their sorrows’ in food. It may be better than drowning them in drink or drugs, but overeating and eating unhealthily certainly affect many depression parameters.

Meditation is often misunderstood as something one just sits down and does. In truth, meditation is the culmination of concentration and contemplation. So thinking of meditation as a 3-step process is helpful.

As many readers practice sunrise/sunset Agnihotra pyramid healing fire, it may be helpful to point out 1) REGULAR daily practice of Agnihotra is very important and 2) those who do Agnihotra may wish to add a daily routine of 30-60 minutes of Om Tryambakam Yajnya. Many report tangible and continuing benefits from this discipline.

So for those looking for a ‘magic bullet’ to cure depression, let us keep in mind that all of our tools can help, but, other than Grace, there’s not a lot of magic involved.

Of course, many of us find Agnihotra to be rather magical. But as has been said, the Fivefold Path has been described as SIMPLE, BUT NOT EASY. Interestingly, the exact same description is given to the 12 Step program of Alcoholics Anonymous (which is incorporated into the Homa Therapy Drug/Alcohol Detoxification Program—published on its entirety in the website mentioned below.)

Agnihotra fire, when combined with the other four Fivefold Path steps, can help us rise up like Phoenix.

For further information: www.homapsychotherapy.com y www.drbarryrathner.com 
To contact the author: Dr.Barry.Rathner@gmail.com

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Fire of Love.

Mandala shared by Parvati.
(All Mandalas are copyright by Parvati (Fran) Rosen-Bizberg.
Healing Mandalas, prints of original art are available via Facebook: Creative Arts — Daughters of the Mountain.)

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(Messages received via Parvati during Agnihotra and in silent meditation.)

April 25, 2021 Shree Vasant on Being Conscious and Aware During Trying Times

There has be many natural and unnatural disasters—massive floods, volcanoes, mighty storms, hurricanes, tornadoes.
These were all predicted as well via Orion and in many ancient scriptures which spoke of future civilizations. Thus, all of this should come as no surprise.

To be forewarned is to be forearmed.

Follow these mandates to protect yourselves, but use your sense of inner awareness to perceive when what is spoken is truth or what is spoken is laced with falsehoods and deception.
Both exist. Know when to listen and when to remain one-pointed and focused on your inner knowledge alone.

There is deception even in alternative news, not just mainstream.
Be fully aware that, in dire times, all forces will be awakened to guide the people—some for their own benefit and others to reveal absolute truth.

Those of you for whom the many conspiracy theories have taken your allegiance, beware and be aware that all what is spoken in these conspiracy theories is not true.
Actually, in some there is no thread of truth; in others, only a small amount is actual and accurate.

Please focus inward and allow Divine to uplift and guide you on the best path to full and conscious awareness now.
Being unduly swayed to one side or the other will highly likely bring your awareness down.
Do not allow your gullible self to listen to and be convinced by the rhetoric of either side!

That the diseases now sweeping the world’s stage are real, rest assured, they are.
However, as with any case, opportunists will arise to twist and turn the evidence to suit their persuasion.
Be aware.

Take moderate and close care to protect yourselves and others, but do not allow your spirit to be weakened.

Remain steadfast on your own mission—whether it be to spread these healing fires to all you meet, to instruct and guide others in such beneficial practices such as Hatha Yoga, meditation,
organic gardening, natural medicines, and so on.

Remember to keep your hearts open to receive Divine Blessings via the pure avenues of Music and the Arts.
Through creative avenues you, especially the young, will be able to maintain and buffer your souls during times of grave danger and trial.

We are with you always.

Be aware.
Be aware.
Be aware.


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25 de abril del 2021. Shree Vasant

(During silent group meditation following Agnihotra, Shree Vasant continued.)

Future is, at best, uncertain. All theories, those of the right and those of the left, have little truth entwined with what is essentially propaganda for their ways of thinking.
This process is designed to separate and divide you.

For those in the alternative culture, the conspiracy theories are aimed directly and specifically to divide you.

We are here to inform you that in these times, you all must try to UNITE.
Disregard the media—that from the right or from the left.

Be aware of the facts, as they can be somewhat clear, though often also manipulated.
However, know that if news media is reporting tens of thousands, for example, you can multiply that and come closer to the actual count.

Unplug from the news as much as possible. Only remain on as long as it takes to have some understanding of current events.

When there are extreme disasters, immediately go within and concentrate fully on visualizing and sending those places protection, prayers for the unfoldment of Divine Will.

On subtle level there is great power. Great power. Great power.

Agnihotra will act as a shield of protection on all levels in all situations. However, you also have to play safe.
Take necessary precautions. Be responsible for your lives and Grace will always take care.

India. India. India. Current wave of this disease is horrific.
You should not go anywhere—only in case of emergency.
Don’t go anywhere. Increase fires.

We are with all of you.
Walk in Light.
Blessings to all.

All love.

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(Message received through Parvati.
Shree Vasant spoke during my meditation, about India, and some prayers were uttered rapidly for quite some time. After, He spoke these words.)

April 29, 2021 Shree Vasant re: India

We have great love for India and all the people, from the great mountains to the sea. The power of Almighty has been summoned—by many hearts, in many prayers, in silence and in Mantras chanted.
Let us keep these prayers on our lips, yet always we must add, Idam Na Mama. Let it be the will of the Divine.

India India has been hit hard by this virus pandemic, but it is also all over the world. Now it is at its worst in India.
Every day we turn our attention to the suffering, to the needy, to those who have no comfort, no homes.
The crisis has become the great equalizer. We know this. Even if it appears that those who have more can escape the viral epidemic, it is not so.

The lesson is to deepen compassion for all human beings, animals and living things upon this Earth.

As far as Our devotees go, We urge all of you to stay inside your homes and property. Do not venture out unless emergency dictates it. And continue with all fires, in fact, when possible increase them.

Those of you living near to the Narmada River or other such sacred rivers in India, see that Agnihotra ash is added into the river daily. Of course, only if this is no risk for you to go to the river.
At goshala in Maheshwar, it is possible. This is most important at this time.

Keep all cleanliness in the places where Agnihotra is performed. As far as possible, in such places as Yajnya shala or Homa huts, keep silence, as you are able.
Keep the doors to such places closed at night. Maintain the attitude that you are carriers of a great power, which is in the fire. Thus, the responsibility lies in your hands.

The resultant Ash is most healing, especially in places where bath is taken prior to Agnihotra and, even better, clean clothes are worn.
Agnihotra Ash should be taken by hand daily, now more than ever. It carries a protective energy in it.
Distribute ash if possible, to those in need. This can be done in a quiet way, also.
The power of the ash for healing is far greater than you realize, when it is Divine Will and the person’s karma that he or she is to be healed.
Keep Agnihotra Ash always available in your homes and share it with ones who need it.

Every moment, We are with you, all of you.
Blessings and love to all.


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(received through Parvati Bizberg, Poland)

November 16, 2015 Orion On Avoiding the Fear Vortex
Yes. Yes. In light of the latest attack on civil liberties via the terrorist network, we seek to console you. This action is similar to terrorist activities of the recent past. However, there is far more than meets the eye.

Though major government leaders and heads of state may not be consciously aware of the underlying network responsible for those claiming responsibility—no one organization works alone—there is some culpability implied. Whether knowing or not knowing, governments are themselves being manipulated into playing their own roles in a greater, far more sinister plan.

However, focusing on revenge is absolutely ineffective, as there are multi layers to the perpetrators and ultimately the puzzle is unable to be solved.

Those who openly committed crimes against humanity must be held accountable, yes. And indeed those pulling the strings will be revealed.

Do not fall into the deadly trap of hatred, espousing prejudice against an entire religion, race or nationality.

It is of vital importance that the role you play in the dramas unfolding is the role to which you are drawn to play and not that which has been assigned to you by the ‘powers that be!’ If you know what role is truly yours to embrace, do not be deterred.

Yes, yes, yes, yes. Indeed, the world’s sinister state is alarming, but if one chooses to function in a state of fear—exactly what the ‘powers that be’ want you to feel—one will enter into a vortex from which it is difficult to disengage. Do not feed the fear, dear ones.

In all moments in time, practice forgiveness and deep compassion for all.

Violence will be curtailed.
Pray for Peace.
Pray for Truth to be revealed.
Blessings, blessings, OM

December 17, 2015 On the Invisible Thread that Unites Us
Yes, yes. Dear ones, you must learn to understand, the plight of one is indeed the plight of all. If one of you suffers anywhere on your lustrous planet, all suffer. There is no separation, only in the mind. You see, there is an invisible thread that unites you all, despite cultural divides and differences in race, religion, tradition. Dear ones, the sooner you realize that Oneness most surely exists, the sooner you can learn to embrace it in your own lives.

The divisions that exist in the world do exist, but they exist because they were manufactured, created, designed to divide you. It is not the natural state of affairs.

We urge you to continue to strive for unity amongst you, within your small circles of friends and family, then extend to include the community, further reaching across borders and oceans, all around the world. This is not only possible that unity shall prevail, dear ones. It is written as such, but first it may take disintegration of society as it exists today, in order to rebuild a world where love presides and fear has no place in the open heart.

In this, the season of giving, take time out to reach for friends and neighbors, community and even strangers, to give to them from your hearts. Find someone or some family in greater need, and give of yourselves with love. It is time to learn to expand the borders and boundaries of your own hearts, to include those less fortunate than yourselves.

Indeed, it is through seemingly ‘random acts of kindness’ that love shall prevail. Seeds become plants, and those plants flower and reseed. Begin.

May all of you have a joyous and sacred season of Light.
All around the world.

For more info: www.oriontransmissions.com

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